WE ARE CREATORS. Welcome to Art Class! Spring 2015-2016

Welcome to Art Class!
Spring 2015-2016
Lead Learner
Miss Sasha Senger
3:30 - 4:00 pm
3:30 - 4:15 pm
8 - 8:30 am
(480) 472-8254
or by appointment
Catch the Vision
We are creators. We are problem-solvers. We see and create beauty.
Here are the Essential Questions we will explore:
 How can I use art to help me, my family, my friends, school, community, and the world?
 How can understanding “aesthetics” make me happier?
 How does art affect me every day?
Aesthetics (visual beauty)
Historical Aspects
Problem-solving (the Creative Process)
Analyzing Art
Elements & Principles of art
Media (the materials we will use)
All of these reflect the Arizona State Standards for Visual Arts
We want to have a supportive learning environment and have discussed what will help us to work
together effectively. I reserve the authority to change classroom policies, seats, etc. as needed to
help maintain this environment.
Effort: We will do the best we can each day. Our best may be different each day.
Support: Our creations are our “precious.” We will never insult another’s artwork, but we will
offer ways to improve.
Property: We will not touch others’ artwork. We can use others’ supplies with permission.
Language: instead of putting others down, we will build each other up. We can offer
suggestions. We will also use clean, professional language.
Art Materials: We care for the art supplies. We will use and care for materials as they are meant
to be used.
Respect: When someone else is speaking, we listen. When someone says “stop,” we STOP.
Cellphones: Our phones and devices can help us have more resources and references for our
projects. We can use them only for research, to take pictures of our work, and to play music for
the whole class, with permission.
The only things I require are that you come to class with your planner, a pencil, and that you can
access your school account and email when you are not at school (as circumstances allow).
However, there is a suggested $8 class fee (you can give to the secretary) to help fund supplies
for the art room.
Please consider also donating materials. Any material is welcome, but currently Ziploc bags,
washcloths (preferably white), cookie dough, white frosting, working lightbulbs or plain night
lights, colored duct tape would be appreciated!
Evaluation (Grading)
I expect that you will do your very best. Everyone’s “best” will be different. Most art professionals
work on creative teams, and while ability and skill is certainly a factor, so is responsibility, effort,
and teamwork.
When evaluating, I ask this question: if an art director were to elect you, how well would you be able
to contribute to that art team? This is 40% of your grade.
Are you present?
Do you work hard?
Do you share inspiring ideas?
Do you share materials?
Do you listen to others’ ideas?
Do you make improvements to your work?
Do you take care of others’ artwork and value their contributions?
Do you care for the classroom materials?
Do you help create a positive learning environment?
The other part of your grade is the grades for the projects: a final project is usually worth 10
points. 5 points goes for following the directions. 5 points for well-designed and well-crafted
artwork. Usually every project has 1-5 steps along the way, and they are usually 5 points each
for completion. This is 60% of your grade.
I always accept late work for full credit, unless the project is inherently time-sensitive.
Art Club
Art Club will take place Tuesdays from 4:00-4:45 starting January 12, 2016. Since there is no
advanced art class, this will take students who are interested to the next level. Efforts will focus on
service and inspiring others through artistic pursuits. Professional artists will attend or skype
interview, there will be field trips as well as a T-shirt design competition. There is an $8 suggested
club donation fee. All are welcome!