Patriot Cards Project (ELP) Project Description: Ten (10) 5 X 8 trading cards, each on a topic from the American Revolution o Student chooses topics from the following categories: 4 People, 3 Events, and 3 Others. o You may choose only ONE of the items with an asterisk (*) Ring-bound Neat, colorful drawing on the front of each card Paragraph on the back of each card: o Describe who, what, when, where, why, and how o Not copied—in your own words o Include your source(s) for the information at the bottom of the card Due Friday, September 4 Trading Card Topics: People Abigail Adams Alexander Hamilton Benedict Arnold Benjamin Franklin* Caesar Rodney Charles Cornwallis Edward Rutledge Ethan Allen Friedrich von Steuben George Mason George Rogers Clark George Washington* Henry Knox James Madison John Adams John Dickinson John Glover John Hancock John Paul Jones King George III Marquis de Lafayette Molly Pitcher Nathan Hale Nathaniel Greene Patrick Henry Paul Revere Richard Henry Lee Robert Livingston Robert Rogers Roger Sherman Samuel Adams Thomas Jefferson* William Franklin William Paterson Events Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Charleston Battle of Concord Battle of Cowpens Battle of Guiliford Courthouse Battle of Lexington Battle of Long Island Battle of Monmouth Battle of Princeton Battle of Saratoga Battle of Trenton Battle of Yorktown Boston Massacre* Boston Tea Party* Constitutional Convention First Continental Congress Second Continental Congress Siege of Boston Valley Forge Others Articles of Confederation British Army Committee of Five Culper Ring Daughters of Liberty Declaration of Independence* Fort Ticonderoga Great Compromise Green Mountain Boys Hessians Intolerable Acts New Jersey Plan Olive Branch Petition Sons of Liberty* Stamp Act Tea Act of 1773 Three-fifths Compromise Townshend Acts Virginia Plan Weapons of the Revolution