I N T E L ® T E A C H E S S E N T I A L S T O T H E F U T U R E C O U R S E Unit Plan Template Note: Type in the gray areas. Click on any descriptive text, then type your own. Unit Author First and Last Name: 8th Grade English PBL School District: Mesa Public Schools School Name: Fremont Jr. High School City, State: Mesa, Arizona Unit Overview Unit Plan Title: Research Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Why is a business letter important? FACETS 1) Explanation—How can we clearly explain our problem with product or service? 2) Interpretation—Is the solution appropriate or reasonable? 3) Application—How and where can we use this skill, knowledge, and process? 4) Perspective—Is there adequate proof product or service was not up to par? 5) Empathy—How does it seem to you? 6) Self-knowledge—How does my experience change me as a consumer? Subject Area(s): Click box(es) of the subject(s) that your Unit targets Business Education Drama Other: Engineering Foreign Language Other: Home Economics Industrial Technology Other: Language Arts Math Music Physical Education School to Career Science Social Studies Technology Grade Level: Click box(es) of the grade level(s) that your Unit targets 1 © 2000-2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H E S S E N T I A L S T O T H E F U T U R E C O U R S E K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 ESL Resource Gifted and Talented Other: Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks: Strand 3 Writing Applications Concept 3: Functional PO3: Write a formal letter that follows a conventional business letter format. PO4: Address an envelope for correspondence that includes: an appropriate return address and appropriate recipient address. Students will write a letter to a business expressing a problem with a product or service. Students will create a reasonable solution for their problem. Students will remain professional and courteous in their letter. Students will address an envelope correctly. Approximate Time Needed: 1 week Performance Tasks GOAL: Write a business letter. ROLE: Explain problem with product or service and offer solution. AUDIENCE: Teacher and business. SITUATION: Explain problem and offer reasonable solution. PRODUCT: Develop a well-written business letter in the correct format using a professional, courteous tone. STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS: Your work will be assessed by using the six traits. Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware: (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera Laser Disk VCR Computer(s) Printer Video Camera Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing Equip. DVD Player Scanner Other: Internet Connection Television Technology – Software: (Click boxes of all software needed.) 2 © 2000-2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Web Page Development Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Word Processing E-mail Software Multimedia Other: Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Printed Materials: Phonebook, business products, etc. 1) Introduce essential question as well as the final task and rubrics. Learning Activities: 2) Choose a business and product/service and locate address for business. 3) Examine and analyze different business letters. 4) Write business letter in correct format. 5) Address envelope. Internet Resources: Will vary according to topic. Student Assessment: Using a rubric, students will be evaluated on the written/typed business letter. 3 © 2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE