Announcements This Week: the ISS room ASAP. – JM

Today is Wednesday May 18, 2016
This Week:
Any student that still has a football jersey needs to turn it in to Coach Mazzetta in
the ISS room ASAP. – JM
The next meeting of the Say it in Sign club will be TODAY in room 010. New
members are always welcome to join. – CM
There will be a Kona Ice sale after school TOMORROW! – KN
Did you forget to buy your prom ticket? If you did, don't sweat! The deadline for
prom tickets has been extended through Friday! Once you purchase your ticket,
get it confirmed during your lunch mods on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday to
sign up for your table. – MO
Attention Seniors who plan to pursue a career in nursing next year, see Ms.
Gorton for information about the Marion Alpaugh Nursing Scholarship. – JG
Attention all sophomores who will be juniors for fall sports 2016. If you plan
to play in August you must re-take your Impact baseline on one of the
following days: TODAY: Volleyball and Gymnastics and Girls Tennis,
TOMORROW: Field Hockey, and Monday May 23: Football. All tests are at 3
pm in the Media Center. If you are unable to make your teams scheduled test
please contact Mrs. Korbul. - KK
The Habitat club will hold its final meeting of the year on Monday, May 23rd in
room 232. We'll have a guest from the Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity. All
club members are encouraged to attend as we celebrate another successful year.
– CW
On Tuesday, May 24 at 2:30, a spokesperson for The Student Conservation
Association will be in the Guidance Office. Please come for an Information
slash Recruiting session if you are interested in a Summer job opportunity. –
Auditions for North Hunterdon’s select choirs are Thursday and Friday, June 9th
and 10th. If you’ve ever wanted to be a part of an amazing group of singers,
perform at concerts and various events throughout the year, and work hard to be
the best vocal musician you can be, these auditions are for you! See Mr. Hopta or
Ms. Meo for an audition packet, or pick one up from the Choir Room, room 131.
We’ll see you there! – KM
Lunch Menu 5/18:
Wild Wing Wednesday – Assorted Boneless Chicken Wings and Sauces with a Roll
Cheese Tortellini with Alfredo Sauce and a Roll
If you have any questions pertaining to the web posting of the announcements,
please contact Frank Cierech at