WEEKLY REPORT Name: Mary Tang Date: 1/23/02 Weekly Report for: 1/14/02 - 1/18/02 1. Accomplishments: - Lab Cleanup: We are short about 20 bins, but can't order through Sterilite because there's a minimum order of $250 (with 20 bins, we're at $150). Does anyone have or see a need to have extra bins on hand? (Small bins are sold in groups of 6, for $25.20, mediums are sold in groups of 4 for for $25.20, and large bins in groups of 4 for $9 -- if we can't see a need for another $100 worth of bins, it will mean several trips to Target instead.) Still need to address the loose ends (earthquaking tall shelving, keycard lock on the CAD room, fastening down remaining the drawer bins.) - Hiring: Dick is collecting resumes for the electronics person. Dick and I also met with HR to discuss the position/level for the job we are calling (for now) the Laboratory and Administrative Services Manager. HR will get back to us later this week. - Student helpers. We've got seven resumes so far, and I'm just about to email four of them to invite them in for a chat. The goal is to get at least two students out of this round. - Wafersaw: Trained 6 people this week. Got a recommendation from K&S via Don Arnold (who very nicely tracked this down) to use a different blade for cutting quartz (diamond grit imbedded in resin). Need to talk with K&S and Len about the pros and cons (need a different mounting setup.) - Consulting activities: Met with three students with MEMS projects. And gave tours to two companies (Nanogram and XLOptics) who are considering doing work here. 2. Problems: - LPCVD Nitride. Jim worked with Nancy and Eehern to run and analyze a couple of high temperature runs. The data is unclear (Jim wants to study the wafers more carefully -- the thickness/RI seem to lie in a dead region of the ellipsometer), but it does seem that the temperature strongly modulates the film characteristics. - Moe's runs. A series of nitride mishaps concluding with a major on the nitride tube late last year managed to kill off all of Moe Badi's supply of devices. We volunteered to support processing a new batch for Moe. Nancy has very generously been coordinating this. More tube problems (no phosphorous in LTO, debatably early tube pull on poly) conspired against getting this batch done. We need to find ways to prevent these tube problems from occuring. We also need to re-educate people to respond to alarms. 3. Projects: - Mike McGehee/Joe Klein's reverse MOS chips - No progress... - Regnier chips: A second batch requested. - DNA Lecture for MSE. Need to work on this. Need to find out which class this is! 4. Plans: 1. Wet bench safety station. Wups! Still need to pester the Coral development team to hookup the displaced Coral terminal (now located next to its sister terminal across from wbdiff.) 2. SNF Affiliates. No progress, although Lourdes is collecting info! 3. Cross-Training: We (the process staff) should discuss how we might be able to support each other and adjoining areas through backup training. I'll arrange a pizza lunch meeting, say for 1/28 or 1/29, to discuss this or any other process issues. 5. Equipment Issues: - Karlsuss: Submitted a request to cancel this order. The accounts people told Tony we could not do this, and he said he would talk with them. I need to follow up to make sure it's done and gone. 6. Other: 1. EE 410. Gladys has things under control. It turns out that the process flow requires Tylan 7 for metal-compatible anneal, so this puts a little glitch in plans to decontaminate Tylan 7 for use as a clean oxidation and anneal tube, while Tylan bank 1 is moved. Will need to double check with Jim McV on contamination and qualification concerns.