The Osprey By: Jack Hessel

The Osprey
By: Jack Hessel
The Osprey gracefully glided across the blue sky. Suddenly,
the Osprey swooped down into the water and came out with a
mouthful of fish and a lot of wet feathers. Then, swiftly, with its
black feathers blowing in the wind, it started back to its stick
nest to feed its hungry chicks. When it returned it fed its chicks.
The chicks happily gulped down the small pieces of fish they
were given. The adult Osprey then started to teach them how
to fly.
The Osprey migrates every year to Florida. Then they
come back in the spring. It also has sharp talons for getting fish.
Ospreys like some other birds live in nests. The Osprey is
endangered. That means there aren’t a lot of them left. The
reason is because we eat the fish they eat.