Bienvenidos a la clase de Español de la Sra. Díaz-Lombardo Español 3

Bienvenidos a la clase de Español de
la Sra. Díaz-Lombardo
Español 3
Foreign Language Department
(718) 423-8810 ext: 227
My goal is for you to learn to communicate in Spanish. On a daily basis, you will be involved with listening, reading
and speaking in Spanish. You will also be exposed to the culture, music and history of Spanish speaking countries.
You will gain the ability to apply Spanish to your everyday life. Your enthusiasm and participation daily will lead you
to a positive, enjoyable experience learning Spanish!
Students in Spanish 3 will take a Regents style exam at the end of the year, which consists of two 100 word essays,
reading, writing and speaking.
The curriculum for Spanish 3 is based on 12 topics to prepare the student for the Regents exam and everyday life
situations. There is more practice with the four elements for the Regents exam with speaking, listening, reading and
Personal Identification
House and Home
Community and Neighborhood
Food and Meal taking
Health and Welfare
Travel – the airport and taking a trip
Money and Banking
Communication / Participation counts as a test grade.
In a language class, much of the learning comes in the doing. We can accomplish great things in class with
cooperation and active participation. Daily speaking, reading, writing and listening activities, including warm-up
activity, will count towards the “Communication/Participation” portion of your grade. A positive attitude, good
participation, and on-task behavior with the class activities (whether they be whole group, small group, partner, or
individual) will help to build your grade and help you to be successful learning to communicate in Spanish.
At the start of each quarter everyone has a 0. It is up to you to raise that participation grade to 100%. You do this by
earning as many participation checks as you can. Each time a student participates they earn points towards their
grade. It is up to you to participate 30 times (approx. 1-2 times per class) for each marking period. Your participation
grade will count as one test grade.
28-30 = 100%
EXAMS Every test will include speaking, listening, reading and writing. It is expected that you review your class
notes at home on a regular basis. Multiple absences on test days are not favorable. If you have an excused
absence for the day of a test you will need to schedule a makeup date with me either before classes or immediately
afterschool up to one week after the date of the missed exam. After that date the grade will be a zero.
Projects One per quarter - Projects are not optional; any late projects will automatically result in a 50% deduction.
Your homework grade will count as one test grade each marking period. Homework is called class work and it is to
be completed in class. Students must be responsible to finish class work by the next day. Please note all students
start with 100% average, for every assignment missed or not completed in class the student will lose 5 points.
An unexcused missing class (cutting) will result in an immediate 0 grade for participation for the first infraction and a
failing grade for the second. An unexcused missing class during a test or project will result in a 0.
Academic Integrity: Cheating will absolutely not be tolerated and will result in an automatic failure of the quiz, exam,
assignment, etc. Cheating includes copying answers as well as providing them. An Honor Code Violation will be
reported if a student is cheating.
Classroom policies
1) We will begin class with a prayer
2) Be on time and prepared. If you are not in your seat at the start of the prayer, you are late. Lateness will not be
tolerated and will result in detention.
3) There is absolutely no eating or drinking in the class room. You will have to throw these out
4) Respect yourself, others, and their property. Treat your fellow classmates and your teacher as you wish to be
treated. Distractions will hinder your performance and other students’ performance in class. Therefore, no talking,
calling out, nor any other misbehavior will not be tolerated and will result in detention.
5) Remain in your seat until you are dismissed **by the teacher, not by the bell**.
As mandated by the school, electronic devices, including cell phones and iPods, are not allowed during class; they
must be turned off and in your backpacks during class time. The use of any non-instructional or distracting item is
subject to confiscation and detention.
NOTE TO PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S): Please feel comfort table discussing with me anything that you do not
understand. All graded material will be posted on the school website and can be viewed via Parent Connect or on
the class page. I look forward to making this a very exciting and rewarding school year!
I, ______________________________, understand the syllabus for Mrs. Diaz-Lombardo Spanish Class. I agree
to abide by all rules, regulations and procedures.
Please sign below, agreeing and understanding the attached rules and procedures.