Catholic Sexual Teaching • All Catholic teaching on sexual morality is based on the idea that sex is: – Reserved for marriage. – Procreative (open to the creation of new life) and prounitive (expresses the couple’s love for each other and strengthens their relationship). • How important is unity in the Catholic understanding of sexuality? • Jesus teaches that in marriage, the “two become one” and “what God has joined, no man may separate”, which is why the Church takes a very strong position against divorce. (Annulments mean a valid marriage never occurred.) • Although creating a new life is not the intention of every sex act in a marriage, it must be OPEN to the POSSIBILITY. • This is why the Church opposes birth control (which artificially prevents conception), but allows NFP. – NFP is a method of birth control in which the couple avoids intercourse when the woman is most fertile. – Birth control is probably the issue more Catholics disagree with the hierarchy about than any other. – Pope Paul VI famously forbade birth control in Humanae Vitae. – The commission he set up to study this had recommended at least some forms of birth control might be acceptable. – How some birth control methods work: • The pill prevents ovulation the vast majority of the time, but if it fails in this regard, it can also prevent implantation of the young fetus. • The “Morning After Pill”/“Plan B”/Emergency Contraception is more likely to prevent implantation, rather than ovulation, compared to the birth control pill. • RU-486/Mifeprisone is the abortion pill and is definitely used to kill a fetus in the first few months of a pregnancy. Forncation • The Church (and Scripture) do not allow sex before marriage. • This is very rarely open to new life and often based more on pleasure than love. • We believe that a child deserves a family, so a couple should wait till they can start a family. Cohabitation • Since sex is reserved for marriage, living together is also reserved for this state of your life. • If nothing else, living together would put you in constant temptation of fornication (although, this would almost always be happening anyway.) • Thos who live together before marriage actually have a much HIGHER rate of divorce. Homosexuality • Homosexuality is a feeling that someone DOES NOT CHOOSE. • The Church does NOT condemn someone for having these FEELINGS, but it also does not condone homosexual ACTIVITY. Why people disagree so strongly • One side sees it as a justice issue, involving human rights, equality. • It is seen as wrong to deny one sector what the other enjoys. • One the other hand, this is behavior consistently condemned in OT, NT, and Church Tradition. • Those who take the more conservative position see their opponents as denying God’s role in Scripture, Tradition, etc.