Name:___________________________________ Foundations: Notes Packet Date:_______ Period:______ Ms. Anderle Foundations: Notes Packet Important Vocabulary ________________________: a term that is used without a _______________ example or description. We use these terms to describe other terms in geometry. 1. _________________: a _____________. A point has ______________________. When we name a point, we name it by a capital letter. Example: 2. _________________: made up of points and has no _______________ or ___________. There is ____________________ line through any ______________ points. A line can either be named by two points on that line or a lowercase script letter. Example: 3. ________________: a flat surface that extends _________________ in all directions. There is exactly one plane through any _______________ points that are not on the _____________ line. A plane is named by a capital script letter or by any three points on that plane. Example: Fundamental Definitions in Vocabulary: Definitions Related to Points _______________: the set of __________ points __________________: any set of ________________. o ________________ Figure: all points lie on the same ______________________. o ________________ Figure: a _________ figure, sketched ________________ the plane. ____________________: the set of all ______________ common to __________ or more figures. _________________________: points that lie on the same ___________________. _________________________: points that _____________ lie on the same ___________________. _________________________: figures that lie on the same ________________. _________________________: figures that ________________ lie on the same ________________. Definitions Related to Line Segments: 1. Line ____________________: a part of a ______________ that ______________ at one point and ____________ at another. Example: 2. ___________________________: ________________ of a segment between its two _____________________. 3. __________________ Segments: segments that have the _____________ exact __________________. Example: 4. _______________________: divides a segment into two __________________ segments. Example: Basic Postulates for Points, Lines, and Planes: ___________________________: statements that are considered ____________________, even __________________ proof. Unique Line Postulate: through any _____________ points is _____________________ line. Line Intersection Postulate: if lines intersect, then they intersect in exactly one __________________. Plane Intersection Postulate: through any ________________ non-collinear points, there is exactly one ________________. Definitions Related to Rays: 1. Ray: a part of a line that _________________ at one point and extends ________________ (without end) in ____________ direction. We name a ray by its endpoint and one other point on that ray. Example: 2. ____________________ of a Ray: the point at which the ray ________________ from. 3. Opposite Rays: two rays that _______________ together to form a ______________. Opposite rays share a common ____________________ and extend in ______________ directions. Example: 4. Angle: a figure formed by _______________________ with a ______________ endpoint. Each ray is the __________________ of the angle and each endpoint is the ____________________ of the angle. a. A ___________________ of an angle is the place where the two _____________ meet. Example: Definitions Related to Angle Measure: 1. ____________________ Angles: Angles that are ________________ in measure. Example: 2. _________________ Angle: an angle whose measure is ______________ than _____ degrees, but ____________ than ______ degrees. Example: 3. _________________ Angle: an angle whose measure is ______________ than ______ degrees, but _____________ than ________ degrees. Example: 4. _________________ Angle: an angle whose measure is ____________ degrees. Example: _______ 5. _________________ Angle: an angle whose measure is ____________ degrees. Example: _______ Angle Pairs: 1. ___________________________ Angles: Two angles whose measure has a _________ of ________ degrees. Each angle is said to be the _________________ of each other. Example: 2. ____________________________ Angles: Two angles whose measure has a _________ of ______________ degrees. Each angle is said to be the _________________ of each other. Example: 3. ___________________ Angles: Two ____________ angles that share a common _____________ and a common ________________, but have _________ interior points. Example: 4. _____________________ Pair: When the two __________________ sides of adjacent angles are ___________________ rays. A linear pair creates a __________________. Example: 5. __________________________ Postulate: If two angles form a _________________, then they are _____________________________. 6. _______________________ Angles: Two angles that are directly __________________ each other. A pair of vertical angles are _______________________. Example: Different Types of Lines: 1. _____________________ Lines: coplanar lines that ___________________________. The symbol for parallel lines is: ________ Example: 2. ___________________________ Lines: coplanar lines that __________________ to form ________________________. The symbol for perpendicular lines is: __________ Example: 3. ____________________ Lines: lines that are not on the same _____________________. Example: