Prep Chorus Honors (Music 2530) Ms. Pignataro 2008-2009 School Year

Prep Chorus Honors (Music 2530)
Ms. Pignataro
(718) 423-8810 x255
2008-2009 School Year
This advanced ensemble strives to provide a learning environment for each
student to grow in love and respect of all types of music and performance. It is an
opportunity for the students to develop a comfortable level of performing ability,
leadership skills, sense of responsibility, to meet new people, and to discover the unique
thrill of performance. Members of this ensemble will learn proper vocal technique,
musical terms and basic solfegge sight reading. No experience you have ever had will be
quite like this one as your eyes are opened to the joys and intricacies of music.
Superior sounding music ensembles are the direct result of hard work, dedication,
and commitment from each member of the group. Every person plays a key part in the
sound we make. No one person is more important than another in any musical
performance. Choir members should strive for the highest scholastic and musical level
possible, develop a positive attitude toward their peers, and distinguish him/her self by
always doing the right thing for the good of the team. By joining this ensemble you are
joining a team, and like any sport, a team is only as strong as its weakest player.
Remember, always reach for the heavens. Even if you fall short, at least you’ll land
among the stars.
Meeting Schedule
This class meets twice a week after school on designated days. The schedule is as
2:50pm - 3:50pm
Ladies I
2:50pm - 3:50pm
Ladies II
Wednesdays 2:50pm - 3:50pm
2:50pm - 4:30pm
Full Choir
Attendance at ALL scheduled rehearsals is mandatory. All other school attendance
policies will be strictly followed. Excessive absences or any unexcused absence will be
reflected in your quarterly grade.
Extra Rehearsals/Dress Rehearsals
Extra rehearsals will only be scheduled if needed. Dress rehearsals will be
scheduled the week of a concert. You will be notified well enough in advance to clear
work schedules and such. These rehearsals are mandatory for all singers. Excuses will be
accepted only if notification is received PRIOR to the rehearsal date. The director will
determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused. Work is never an excuse to miss
Here are some important dates:
December 9-12, TBA
Saturday, December 13, 7:15pm
March 16-19, TBA
Friday, March 20, 7:15pm
April 27-30, TBA
Friday, May 1, 6:15pm
May 4-7, TBA
Friday, May 8, 6:15pm
Dress Rehearsal
Christmas Concert
Dress Rehearsal
Jazz Concert
Dress Rehearsal
Spring Concert
Dress Rehearsal
Spring Concert
Classroom conduct
- Students must display proper respect at all times to their teachers, their
classmates, and most importantly, display self-respect in their attitude and their
- Students will be expected to adhere to any and all school rules (as found in the
Calendar and Agenda Book), including but not limited to the Honor Code and
cutting policy. Proper consequences will be provided for any violation.
- Homework is due on the date it is due. Late assignments will not be accepted. Any
assignments missed due to absence must be completed within one cycle of the
original due date.
- If you are absent for a quiz or exam, you must reschedule a time within one cycle
to make it up. It is your responsibility to get in touch with me to reschedule. If you
do not make-up the missed quiz or exam it will be averaged in with a grade of
- Cheating will result in an automatic failure of the test/assignment as well as a call
to parents/guardians. Cheating includes copying answers as well as providing
- Water in capped bottles is allowed in the rehearsal room. Gum, sodas and juices
are NOT allowed at any time.
- Remember: laugh WITH everyone, but laugh AT no one. Respect is expected of
every student at all times. Rudeness will NOT be tolerated.
Operating Procedures
- Students are expected to be in their seats at the start of every class with a pencil in
hand and their music in their laps ready to sing when the class bell rings.
- Rehearsal will begin and end on time every day.
- We will begin promptly at the beginning of each class with warm-ups and
stretching, which are crucial to healthy vocal use. There is no talking during
- Challenge yourself to embrace new warm-ups even if they seem strange at first.
- The rehearsal schedule will be listed on the board every day. We will stick as
close to that schedule as possible.
- Solos will be given by audition only. Solo tryouts will be announced in advance.
Everyone is eligible to try out. During rehearsals, anyone and everyone may
practice solos written in the music for your voice part.
Check your e-mail and the class web page (located at daily for the
most up to date rehearsal schedules and assignments.
Each quarter grade will be calculated with the following allotment:
Daily Attendance
Written Homework
5% at least 2 assignments
5% at least 2 written or performance
Students are required to be in the rehearsal room, dressed and ready to perform 45
minutes prior to show time. This will allow for sufficient warm-up time.
Students wearing dirty or wrinkled uniforms, as well as incomplete uniforms, will
not be allowed to perform. The Prep Chorus will be determined by the end of the first
week of rehearsal.
Parents, please, show an interest in the musical study of your child. Encourage
your child to perform whenever the opportunity arises. Provide them with a safe,
nurturing environment to grow in music and in life. Teach your child to be punctual at
rehearsals and performances. Please feel comfortable discussing anything with the
director that you do not understand.
All graded material will be posted daily on the school website and can be viewed
via Parent Connect or on the class page.
Finally, please attend concerts and other events involving your child. Show them
your support!
Complete and Return form
Please, fill in this page and return it to the instructor.
I, __________________________, have read and understand this syllabus. I feel as
though I can make a positive contribution to this choral program, and I will do my best to
follow all rules and procedures outlined above.
Signature of student
Signature of parent/guardian
Contact Phone Number