Geometry Q3 Test 2 review sheet Name__________________


Geometry Q3 Test 2 review sheet Name__________________

1. Find the slope, distance and midpoint between the following sets of points: a. (-7, 4) and (8, -1) distance ____, slope ____, midpoint ____ b. (6, 3) and (-2, 3) distance ____, slope ____, midpoint ____

2. M is the midpoint of AB. The coordinates of A are (-1, 4) and coordinates of M are (-6, 8).

What are the coordinates of B, the other endpoint?

3. Find the value of k such that the slope of the line passing through points (-5, k) and (3, 9)

will be 1.

4. Find the area of each given figure a. F(4, 7), E(2, -2), A(-3, -6), R(-2, 4) b. H(3, 2), A(5, -3), T(0,0) c. P(-3,-3), Q(4, -2) , R(3, 1), S(-2, 0)

5. Given: In triangle ABC, D, E, and F are midpoints. Find the perimeter of triangle DEF.


AD = 6, EC = 9, FC = 8






6. In parallelogram ABCD, <A = 7x + 8 and <B = 11 x – 40 . Find measure of x and each angle.

7. In rhombus MEAT, ME = 2x + 9 and TA = 5x – 3 . Find x and length of EA.

8. Given W(0,4), X(2, 6), Y(6, 6), Z(4, 4) -- Prove WXYZ is a parallelogram.

9. Given S(-1, 0), I(-2, 2), G(2,4), H(3, 2) – Prove SIGH is a rectangle.

10. Review your properties on pp. 219 -220 and how to prove on pp. 308 – 309.

There will be multiple choice questions on these properties.
