Social Justice Final Exam Spring 2014 Compare

Social Justice Final Exam
Spring 2014
President Jimmy Carter said, “Everyone has a right to peaceful coexistence, the basic personal
freedoms, the alleviation of suffering, and the opportunity to lead a productive life..." Compare
this political expression to the ideas presented by The Catholic Church through Catholic social
teaching. Include in your discussion reference to a related quotation of your choice from a
Church Document (many good examples HERE,) and examples of how these ideas relate to a
specific social justice concern.
Prior to the Exam date:
You may prepare as before class on Friday.
Outside research can be used the day of the exam, but must be cited.
You are encouraged to outline/prepare your essay response before class. On the day of
the exam you will be required to remain for the allotted time of the exam.
During the exam period you will copy or complete your essay in the test booklet