Document 15518398

Below please find a study guide that breaks out ideas and concepts that we have covered this year. They are listed
chronologically –for the most part. You can use this to help organize your ideas and thoughts. Feel free to print this and
expand upon the topics. It will help you to retain the information we have reviewed over the past few days. By this
point, each topic should be familiar to you. If you do not remember what a certain topic was about, use your notes or
your textbook to help remind you.
Do not panic like its 1837. You know this!
1. Jamestown
a. Joint Stock Company
b. Early conflict with Natives
2. Indentured Servant
3. Royal Colony vs. Proprietary Colony
4. House of Burgesses
a. First form of representative government
5. Breakout of Colonies – What did they come here for?
a. North
b. Middle
c. South
6. Salutary Neglect
7. Mercantilism
8. Staple Crops
a. Indigo
b. Tobacco
c. Cotton
9. Great Awakening
10. French and Indian war
a. Who was involved?
b. Treaty of Paris
11. Leading to a Revolution
a. Proclamation of 1763
b. Stamp Act Crisis, Sugar and Quartering Acts, Intolerable Acts
12. Boycotts and the Sons of Liberty
13. The Boston Massacre and Tea Party
14. 1st Continental Congress
15. Common Sense
16. Declaration of Independence
17. Key Battles and Resolutions
a. Lexington and Concord
b. Saratoga
c. Siege at Yorktown
d. Treaty of Paris
18. 2 Continental Congress
19. Loyalists and Mercenaries
20. Blockades and Profiteering
21. Three Branches of Government – Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances
a. Executive
b. Judicial
c. Legislative
22. The Preamble, Constitution and Bill of Rights – Know what the differences are (don’t need to memorize)
23. Shay’s Rebellion
24. Constitutional Convention
25. Great Compromise
26. Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan
27. 3/5th’s Compromise
28. Electoral college
29. Federalists vs. Anti-federalists
30. Washington’s Presidency – Begin Federalist Era
a. Cabinet
b. Jay’s Treaty
c. Whiskey Rebellion
d. Use of Hamilton’s advice over Jefferson
e. Proclamation of Neutrality/Farewell Speech Advisements
31. Adam’s Presidency – Federalist
a. XYZ Affair
b. Alien and Sedition Acts
c. Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
32. Jefferson’s Presidency - End of Federalist Era, beginning of Jeffersonian Era
a. Midnight Judges
i. Marbury vs. Madison
ii. Judicial Review
b. Louisiana Purchase through Monroe - $15 million instead of the $15 million he was suppose to spend
c. Lewis and Clark
d. Reservations
33. Duel between Hamilton and Burr
34. Madison’s Presidency
a. War of 1812
i. Impressment
b. Missouri Compromise
c. Manifest Destiny
35. Monroe’s Presidency
a. Adams- Onis Treaty
b. Monroe Doctrine
36. Election of 1824 – Complications – 4 People, Only one can win
a. John Quincy Adams wins
i. Corrupt Bargain
37. John Quincy Adam’s Presidency
a. Tariff of Abominations
38. Jackson’s Presidency
a. Native Americans
i. Indian Removal Act
ii. Indian Territories
iii. Trail of Tears
b. Doctrine of Nullification
c. Removal of Second National Bank
39. Van Buren’s Presidency
a. Panic of 1837
b. Plagued by the decisions of those who came before him = Depression