Christian Service
Mr. Vogelson
As stated in the syllabus, a different student will present a 5-7 minute reflection
activity at the beginning of each class session. Each student will participate and be graded
based on their preparedness and effort put forth in the presentation of the reflection.
Reflection responsibility will rotate following the class roster alphabetically going Z-A.
Some suggestions for a weekly reflection piece:
Prayer- Write one or pick one that is meaningful to you to share.
Please lead the class in the Prayer and be able to articulate it’s importance to you.
Please provide copies of the prayer for every member in the class.
Song- Play one on an instrument, sing one, play a CD. Why did you
pick this particular piece of music? Please provide a copy of any lyrics to everyone
in the class.
Poem- Write one or share one already authored. Why these words?
What does it mean to you? Please provide a copy of the verse for each member in
the class.
Quote- One that is meaningful to you. Who is it by? Why choose this
one? What does it mean to you? Please provide a copy of the quote for each
member in the class.
Activity/ Other ideas- We are looking for creativity! If everyone does
the same thing every week, it’s going to be pretty boring ~ but it’s up to you!
* Remember- these reflections are meant to be both meditative and thought provoking.
This is a chance for us to examine our experiences and to relax for a couple of minutes.
Be able to relate your reflective medium to service, justice, Christian Values, God or your
spirituality. Challenge us with your reflection! Give us something to think about for the
rest of the day!