____ 1. What are the building blocks of all matter?

Chemistry Review
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. What are the building blocks of all matter?
a. forces
b. atoms
magnetic fields
kinetic and potential energy
2. Which of the following conversion factors would you use to change 18 kilometers to meters?
a. 1000 m/1 km
c. 100 m/1 km
b. 1 km/1000 m
d. 1 km/100 m
3. What are 6 centimeters equal to?
a. 600 meters
of a millimeter
60 millimeters
600 millimeters
5. What is the symbol for aluminum?
a. AL
b. Al
6. The symbol for gold is
a. Au.
b. Al.
A substance that is made up of only one kind of atom is a(an)
a. compound.
c. element.
b. homogeneous mixture.
d. solution.
7. If a material contains three elements joined in a fixed proportion, it is a(an)
a. mixture.
c. atom.
b. solution.
d. compound.
8. Water is a compound because it
a. can be broken down into simpler substances.
b. always has two hydrogen atoms for each oxygen atom.
c. is made of water atoms joined together.
d. both a and b
9. Which of the following is malleable?
a. glass
b. pottery
10. Which of the following has the highest viscosity?
a. corn syrup
b. milk
orange juice
11. A substance has a melting point of 0ºC and a boiling point of 100ºC. The substance is most likely
a. water.
c. gold.
b. hydrogen.
d. table salt.
12. When a physical change in a sample occurs, which of the following does NOT change?
a. shape
c. volume
b. temperature
d. composition
13. A substance that has high reactivity
a. easily combines chemically with other substances.
b. burns in the presence of water.
c. displaces dissolved oxygen.
d. has a high boiling point.
14. Which of the following is NOT a clue that a chemical change has occurred?
a. change in color
c. formation of a precipitate
b. production of a gas
d. change in shape
15. Which of the following is a chemical change?
a. ice melting
b. ice being carved
c. water boiling
d. water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen
16. The Greek philosopher Democritus coined what word for a tiny piece of matter that cannot be divided?
a. element
c. electron
b. atom
d. molecule
17. If 2 grams of element X combine with 4 grams of element Y to form compound XY, how many grams of element Y
would combine with 14 grams of X to form the same compound?
a. 7 grams
c. 21 grams
b. 14 grams
d. 28 grams
18. Which of the following is NOT part of John Dalton’s atomic theory?
a. All elements are composed of atoms.
b. All atoms of the same element have the same mass.
c. Atoms contain subatomic particles.
d. A compound contains atoms of more than one element.
19. J. J. Thomson’s experiments provided evidence that an atom
a. is the smallest particle of matter.
b. contains negatively charged particles.
c. has a negative charge.
d. has a positive charge.
Figure 4-1
20. The diagram in Figure 4-1 shows the results of Rutherford’s gold foil experiment. What caused some of the alpha
particles to bounce straight back from the gold foil?
a. electrons in the gold atoms
c. other alpha particles
b. negative charges in the gold atoms
d. nuclei in the gold atoms
21. Who provided evidence for the existence of a nucleus in an atom?
a. John Dalton
c. Democritus
b. J. J. Thomson
d. Ernest Rutherford
22. Which subatomic particle has a negative charge?
a. electron
b. alpha particle
23. Which of the following is unique for any given element?
a. the number of neutrons
c. the number of protons
b. the charge on the electrons
d. the mass of a neutron
24. The number of protons in one atom of an element is that element’s
a. mass number.
c. atomic number.
b. balanced charge.
d. isotope.
25. What can you assume has happened if an electron moves to a higher energy level?
a. The atom has become more stable.
c. The electron has gained energy.
b. The electron has lost energy.
d. The atom has lost an electron.
26. Mendeleev arranged the known chemical elements in a table according to increasing
a. atomic number.
c. number of protons.
b. number of electrons.
d. mass.
27. In a periodic table, a set of properties repeats from
a. element to element.
b. group to group.
column to column.
row to row.
Figure 5-1
28. Figure 5-1 shows a portion of a blank periodic table. Identify the segments labeled A and B.
a. A and B are both periods.
c. A and B are both groups.
b. A is a period and B is a group.
d. A is a group and B is a period.
29. Moving from left to right across a row of the periodic table, which of the following values increases by exactly one
from element to element?
a. isotope number
c. atomic mass unit
b. atomic number
d. mass number
30. The atomic mass of an element is
a. the sum of the protons and neutrons in one atom of the element.
b. twice the number of protons in one atom of the element.
c. a ratio based on the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
d. a weighted average of the masses of an element’s isotopes.
31. The unit for atomic mass is
a. gram
b. amu
none of the above
32. Group 7A of the periodic table contains the
a. most reactive nonmetals.
b. most reactive metals.
least reactive nonmetals.
least reactive metals.
33. Compared with Group 2A elements, Group 6A elements have
a. more atoms in the ground state.
c. more isotopes.
b. more valence electrons.
d. fewer valence electrons.
34. The tendency of an element to react is closely related to
a. its atomic mass.
b. attractions between its atoms.
c. the number of valence electrons in atoms of the element.
d. the ratio of protons to neutrons in atoms of the element.
35. Which halogen is most likely to react?
a. Br (bromine)
b. F (fluorine)
I (iodine)
Cl (chlorine)
36. To keep them from reacting, some highly reactive elements are stored in
a. water.
c. liquid mercury.
b. pure oxygen.
d. argon.
37. Typically, atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve
a. an exchange of energy.
b. ionization.
c. a stable electron configuration.
d. vaporization.
38. In an electron dot diagram, the symbol for an element is used to represent
a. the nucleus.
b. the nucleus and all electrons.
c. the nucleus and valence electrons.
d. the nucleus and all non-valence electrons.
39. Ionization energies tend to
a. decrease from left to right across a period.
b. increase from the top of a group to the bottom.
c. increase from left to right across a period.
d. decrease from the bottom of a group to the top.
40. The formation of an ionic bond involves the
a. transfer of electrons.
b. transfer of neutrons.
transfer of protons.
sharing of electrons.
41. Which of the following formulas represents a compound whose molecules contain a triple bond?
a. NN
c. O3
b. OO
d. SO3
42. In the name carbon dioxide, the prefix of the second word indicates that a molecule of carbon dioxide contains
a. two carbon atoms.
c. a polyatomic ion.
b. two oxygen atoms.
d. an ionic bond.
43. The substances that undergo change in a chemical reaction are called
a. reactants.
c. coefficients.
b. products.
d. elements.
44. Which of the following is a chemical equation that accurately represents what happens when sulfur and oxygen react
to form sulfur trioxide?
a. Sulfur and oxygen react to form sulfur trioxide.
b. S and O2 produce SO3.
c. S + O2  SO3
2S + 3O2 2SO3
45. Which of the following is a balanced chemical equation for the synthesis of NaBr from Na and Br 2?
a. Na + Br2  NaBr
b. 2Na + Br2  NaBr
c. Na + Br2  2NaBr
d. 2Na + Br2  2NaBr
46. Methane, CH4, burns in oxygen gas to form water and carbon dioxide. What is the correct balanced chemical equation
for this reaction?
a. CH4 + O  H2O + CO2
b. CH4 + 4O  2H2O + CO2
c. CH4 + O2  H2O + CO2
d. CH4 + 2O2  2H2O + CO2
47. How many atoms are present in 3 moles of chromium?
a. 6.02 1023 atoms
b. 1.80 1023 atoms
1.80 1024 atoms
52.0 atoms
48. How many grams of CO2 are in 2.1 mol of the compound?
a. 21.0 g
c. 66.0 g
b. 44.0 g
d. 92.4 g
49. How many moles of He are in 16 g of the element?
a. 1.0 mol
b. 4.0 mol
8.0 mol
16 mol
50. The coefficients in a balanced chemical equation always can express the ratio of
a. moles of reactants and products.
b. volume of reactants and products.
c. atoms of reactants and products.
d. mass of reactants and products.
51. In a chemical reaction, an iron atom became the ion Fe2+. What happened to the iron atom?
a. It lost electrons and was oxidized.
b. It lost electrons and was reduced.
c. It gained electrons and was oxidized.
d. It gained electrons and was reduced.
Complete each sentence or statement.
52. Rust forms because iron and oxygen are highly ____________________ elements.
53. John Dalton observed that elements always combine in the same ratio to form a particular ____________________.
54. The subatomic particle that J. J. Thomson discovered has a(an) ____________________ charge.
55. Protons and ____________________ are found in the nucleus of an atom.
56. Neutrons and ____________________ have almost the same mass.
57. When an atom gains or loses energy, some of its ____________________ may move between energy levels.
58. The region in which an electron is most likely to be found is called a(an) ____________________.
59. When all the electrons in an atom are in orbitals with the lowest possible energy, the atom is in its
____________________ state.
60. An atom in which an electron has moved to a higher energy level is in a(an) ____________________ state.
61. In general, a(an) ____________________ metal will be more reactive than an alkaline earth metal in the same period.
62. In an electron dot diagram, each dot represents a(an) ____________________.
63. The chemical formula for calcium chloride, CaCl2, shows that the compound contains two ____________________
ions for every ____________________ ion.
64. In ionic compounds, the sum of the charges of all the cations and anions must be ____________________.
65. The molar mass of carbon is ____________________.
66. A sample of NaCl contains 188 g of the compound. The sample contains ____________________ moles of NaCl.
67. The element ____________________ is always present in a combustion reaction.
68. In a double-replacement reaction, there are two reactants and ____________________ product(s).
Short Answer
69. What is a hypothesis?
70. What is viscosity?
71. What are three common clues that a chemical change has occurred?
72. If an atom has 34 protons and 40 neutrons, what is its mass number?
73. If an atom of tin has a mass number of 118 and an atomic number of 50, how many neutrons are in its nucleus?
74. In a periodic table that included electron dot diagrams, in which column would the diagrams contain more dots—
Group 2A (the alkaline metals) or Group 6A (the oxygen family)?
75. In an electron dot diagram of potassium, there is one dot. In an electron dot diagram of silicon, there are four dots.
Which element would you expect to be more reactive?
76. A student balanced the chemical equation Mg + O2  MgO by writing Mg + O2  MgO2. Was the equation balanced
correctly? Explain your answer. If the equation was not balanced correctly, write the correctly balanced equation.
77. How many moles of nitrogen are contained in 4.20  1024 atoms of nitrogen?
78. How many grams of O2 are in 5.0 mol of the element?
79. Balance the following chemical equation.
Cu + HNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + NO2 + H2O
80. When iron metal reacts with oxygen, the reaction can form Fe 2O3. Write a balanced chemical equation for this
reaction, and find the number of moles of oxygen that are needed to form 6 mol of Fe 2O3.
81. A sample of calcium contains calcium-40, calcium-44, calcium-42, calcium-48, calcium-43, and calcium-46 atoms.
Explain why these atoms can have different mass numbers but must have the same atomic number.
Figure 1-2
82. Analyzing Data What is the slope of the line shown in Figure 1-2?
83. Analyzing Data In Figure 1-2, what is the relationship between mass and volume?
84. Using Tables and Graphs In Figure 1-2, what quantity does the slope represent?
Figure 5-2
85. Using Tables and Graphs Which of the elements shown in Figure 5-2 are in the same period?
86. Classifying Which element in Figure 5-2 is a transition metal? Which is a noble gas?
87. Using Tables and Graphs Which elements in Figure 5-2 have the same number of valence electrons? How do you
88. Comparing and Contrasting Based on what you know about elements and the periodic table, compare and contrast
the elements beryllium, Be, and iodine, I, which are shown in Figure 5-2.
89. Inferring Find the block labeled ? in Figure 5-2. What is its atomic number? How many valence electrons does it
have? Which of the elements shown in Figure 5-2 will it most resemble?
Figure 5-3
90. Inferring Identify the most reactive element shown in Figure 5-3. Explain your answer.
Figure 6-2
91. Using Tables and Graphs Write a description to place in box (2) in Figure 6-2.
92. Using Tables and Graphs What compound name belongs in box (1) in Figure 6-2?
93. Classifying What type of bond belongs in box (3) in Figure 6-2?
94. Classifying What type of bond belongs in box (4) in Figure 6-2?
potassium, K, and
iodine, I
Iodine is a member of the halogen group;
potassium is an alkali metal.
carbon, C, and
oxygen, O
Carbon and oxygen are both nonmetals.
Al, O, and H
OH- (hydroxide) is a polyatomic ion.
Figure 6-3
95. Applying Concepts How does the saying “Opposites attract” apply to the bonding in the compound shown in row A
of Figure 6-3?
96. Comparing and Contrasting What kind of bond forms between the elements in row B of Figure 6-3? How is this
type of bond different from the type of bond that forms between the elements in row A?
Chemistry Review
Answer Section
1. ANS: B
2. ANS: A
3. ANS: C
4. ANS: C
5. ANS: B
6. ANS: A
7. ANS: D
8. ANS: D
9. ANS: D
10. ANS: A
11. ANS: A
12. ANS: D
13. ANS: A
14. ANS: D
15. ANS: D
16. ANS: B
17. ANS: D
18. ANS: C
19. ANS: B
20. ANS: D
21. ANS: D
22. ANS: A
23. ANS: C
24. ANS: C
25. ANS: C
26. ANS: D
27. ANS: D
28. ANS: B
29. ANS: B
30. ANS: D
31. ANS: B
32. ANS: A
33. ANS: B
34. ANS: C
35. ANS: B
36. ANS: D
37. ANS: C
38. ANS: D
39. ANS: C
40. ANS: A
41. ANS: A
42. ANS: B
43. ANS: A
44. ANS: D
45. ANS: D
46. ANS: D
47. ANS: C
48. ANS: D
49. ANS: B
50. ANS: A
51. ANS: A
52. ANS: reactive
53. ANS: compound
54. ANS: negative
55. ANS: neutrons
56. ANS: protons
57. ANS: electrons
58. ANS: orbital
59. ANS: ground
60. ANS: excited
61. ANS: alkali
62. ANS: valence electron
63. ANS: chloride, calcium
64. ANS: zero
65. ANS: 12.0 g/mol
66. ANS: 3.2
67. ANS: oxygen
68. ANS: two
69. ANS:
a proposed answer to a question
70. ANS:
Viscosity is the tendency of a liquid to keep from flowing, or its resistance to flowing.
71. ANS:
a change in color, the production of a gas, and the formation of a precipitate
72. ANS:
73. ANS:
74. ANS:
Group 6A, the oxygen family
75. ANS:
76. ANS:
The equation was not balanced correctly because it was balanced by changing a subscript instead of changing
coefficients. The correctly balanced equation is 2Mg + O2  2MgO.
77. ANS:
6.98 mol
78. ANS:
The molar mass of O2 is 16 g/mol, so 5.0 mol of O2 have a mass of 80 g.
79. ANS:
Cu + 4HNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O
80. ANS:
4Fe + 3O2  2Fe2O3; 9 mol O2
81. ANS:
All the atoms of an element have the same atomic number because the atomic number equals the number of protons in
an atom. If one of the atoms had a different number of protons, the atom would not be a calcium atom. The mass
number can vary because it is the sum of the protons and neutrons, and isotopes of an element can have different
numbers of neutrons.
82. ANS:
8.8 g/cm3
83. ANS:
a direct proportion
84. ANS:
the density of the fluid
85. ANS:
Be, C, N, and F
86. ANS:
V; He
87. ANS:
F and I; they are in the same group in the periodic table.
88. ANS:
Beryllium is a reactive metal with two valence electrons. Iodine is a highly reactive nonmetal with seven valence
89. ANS:
12; 2; beryllium
90. ANS:
Rb is the most reactive element shown. Group 1A alkali metals are the most reactive metals, and the reactivity of
elements in Group 1A increases from top to bottom.
91. ANS:
The atoms of a metal lose one or more valence electrons and form cations. The atoms of a nonmetal gain one or more
electrons and form anions. There is an attraction between the oppositely charged ions.
92. ANS:
sodium chloride
93. ANS:
94. ANS:
95. ANS:
Potassium is a highly reactive metal with one valence electron. Iodine is a highly reactive nonmetal with seven
valence electrons. When electrons are transferred from potassium atoms to iodine atoms, there is an attraction between
the oppositely charged ions that form. Thus, opposites do attract in an ionic bond.
96. ANS:
Covalent bonds form between the nonmetals carbon and oxygen. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons. When
potassium and iodine react, electrons are transferred from potassium atoms to iodine atoms. Ionic bonds form between
potassium cations and iodide anions. There is no sharing of electrons in an ionic bond.