Macbeth Act IV & V Study Guide

Macbeth Act IV & V Study Guide
Act IV Scene i
1. Why is the use of "double" appropriate to Macbeth?
2. List the three apparitions and quote the statement accompanying each.
3. When Macbeth asks if Banquo's issue will ever reign, what is he shown?
4. Where has Macduff gone? What will Macbeth do?
Act IV Scene ii
1. What has made Macduff's family traitors?
2. What is the tone of this scene?
3. What does the messenger tell Lady Macduff?
4. Summarize the action.
Act IV Scene iii
1. Describe the setting.
2. Why does Malcolm portray himself as a potential sinful tyrant?
3. What is the truth about Malcolm?
4. What do Malcolm and Macduff pledge?
Act V Scene i
1. Lady Macbeth says in her sleepwalking, "Out, damned spot! Out, I say! . . . Yet who would have
thought the old man had so much blood in him?" What is she doing and to what is she referring?
2. How does the doctor react?
Act V Scene ii
1. Why do Macbeth's men obey him?
2. Describe Macbeth as a ruler.
Act V Scene iii
1. What gives Macbeth courage?
2. What is troubling Lady Macbeth?
3. According to the doctor, who must cure Lady Macbeth?
Act V Scene iv
1. How will Malcolm "shadow the numbers" of his army?
2. How is one of the witches' prophecies coming true?
Act V Scene v
1. What is the setting?
2. What news does Seyton give Macbeth?
3. What is his reaction?
4. What did the messenger think he saw?
5. How does Macbeth plan to die?
Act V scene vi
1. What is the setting?
2. What are Malcolm, Siward, and Macduff planning?
Act V scene vii
1. What happens to young Siward?
2. Why does Macduff want to personally kill Macbeth?
Act V Scene viii
1. Why does Macduff consider himself not of "women born"?
2. With Macduff's death, who has become King of Scotland?
3. Why is it appropriate that the individual who kills Macbeth is Macduff?
4. How does Lady Macbeth die?