Macbeth Act III Study Guide Scene i

Macbeth Act III Study Guide
Scene i
1. Quote evidence that suggests Banquo is suspicious about Macbeth's becoming king.
2. Who is the only man Macbeth fears?
3. Who has Macbeth murdered Duncan for?
4. Give three arguments that Macbeth uses to convince the murders to kill Banquo.
5. Explain Macbeth's order: Fleance must embrace the same fate." (137)
Scene ii
1. Quote evidence that reveals Macbeth's state of mind.
2. Macbeth says: "make our faces vizards [masks] to our hearts, / Disguising what they are." How does this statement reinforce the
themes of Appearance vs. Reality?
3. Has the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth changed? Cite evidence.
Scene iii
1. What occurs?
2. What did Banquo tell Fleance?
3. The climax occurs in this scene, when the fortunes of the protagonist irreversibly turn for the worse. What is the climax
specifically? Give a reason for your answer.
Scene iv
1. Who is the "worm" who fled?
2. Who sits in Macbeth's place?
3. Explain the significance of Macbeth's statement: "Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake / Thy gory locks at me."
4. What is torturing Macbeth?
5. Why does Macbeth plan to see the witches?
Scene v
1. Why is Hecate angry?:
2. What will she give Macbeth?
3. What characteristic of Macbeth does Hecate identify?
Scene vi
1. Who do they think killed Banquo? (remember the use of sarcasm in this scene)
2. Tell why Macduff goes to England.