Homework Assignment #2 First, answer the 4 questions on virtues and vices found lower down on this page in complete sentences on paper to be collected on the due date. Next, read pages 253-257 in your Catholic Essentials book. On page 257, answer the four review questions in red and also answer the two questions in the “Write and Discuss” section directly below. Overall you should be answering 10 different questions. Virtues-Vices Questions 1) What is one virtue you have that is an important part of your life? What is a specific way in which you demonstrate this virtue? 2) What is one vice you have that is a problem for you? What is a specific way in which you live out this vice? 3) What can you do get rid of or stop living out this vice? 4) What is one virtue you would like to improve on? How could you realistically make it a part of your life?