New Testament/Scripture Review Sheet In preparation for quizzes and exams in the Third Quarter, the following Review Sheet is constructed to help you organize your notes/outlines. In addition you will need class handouts, the textbook, and class notes to complete the following: You should be as detailed in your explanations as possible! *Structure of the Bible: Old Testament/New Testament (how many books in each) Old Testament: New Testament: *Testament: *Covenant: *Canon: *Deuterocanonical: *Apocrypha: *Septuagint: *Gospel (definition & list all): *Acts of the Apostles: *Letters: *Book of Revelation: *Fundamentalism: *Contextualism: *Pharisees: *Sadducees: *Scribes: *Samaritans: *Zealots: *Essenes: *Tax Collectors: *Levites: *Gentiles: *Non-Christian Evidence of Jesus (list): *Aramaic: *Hebrew: *Greek: *Galilee: *Samaria: *Judea: *Synagogue: *Temple: *Passover: *Pentecost: *Tabernacles: *Synoptic Gospels (definition & list all): *Portraits of Christ (list and identify all): *Messianic Secret: *Parables (definition and examples): *Miracles (definition and examples): *Allegory: *Paschal Mystery: *Apostles: *Disciples: *Sermon on the Mount: *Beatitudes: