



Mr. Castellano

For this assignment, I want you to pick a song whose lyrics you find meaningful. Your job is to provide a thoughtful commentary on and analysis of the lyrics. Pick a song you really like; it can be any kind of music. There are all sorts of great songs in the world: be sure to pick a song whose lyrics you find intriguing, mysterious, challenging, or thought-provoking. Do not pick a song merely because you like to dance to it. Those songs are good, too; but I want you to think of the lyrics as a poem and provide a reading of those words. (If you’re not sure if you are picking an appropriate song, please show me the lyrics and we can discuss your choice.) Your analysis should treat the lyrics of the song as if they were poetry (which they are). We certainly can make the argument that a good song is a poem with music added to it; conversely, a poem is a song without the music. We have said in class how poetry originally was sung. A good poet uses rhythm, rhyme, sounds, words, structure, etc., to create music. Having said all that, this assignment is your opportunity to think and write about a favorite song. Do not feel that you need to have the definitive interpretation: you are providing one way of looking at this song. I hope our discussion of “John Henry” will serve as a model for you; I will also give you a sample essay. Do not feel you have to account for every single word, line, or image. You should start with a specific, focused, strong thesis statement (as you do with any essay). The body of your essay will be the incorporation and explanation of specific details that support and illustrate your thesis. You should include a copy of the lyrics: the odds are I will not know the song or even the artist. You can refer to specific details by writing, “In lines 13-15, the writer states, . . . .” We will talk about how to quote from the song in class. I certainly encourage you to quote from the song. But remember: the focus should be on your ideas and a full exploration of those ideas: don’t quote huge blocks of text and then make a one-line comment on the excerpt. I have written a few sample thesis statements below to serve as a model. Your essay should be 1-2 pages typed or 4-6 sides handwritten, double-spaced. The essay is due on THURSDAY, 21 DECEMBER

(the last day before vacation!). It is worth 100 points.

Do your best writing. Have fun with this assignment.


 In Suzanne Vega’s song “Tom’s Diner,” the speaker notices and explores the extraordinary events that emerge from a very ordinary day sitting in a diner.

 In the song “Ripple,” the Grateful Dead point out the evidence in everyday events that shows the presence of something greater and more than meets the eye.

 In “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” U2 explains how true happiness and fulfillment can be elusive.

 In the traditional folk song “John Henry,” the speaker celebrates the dignity of one man in his duel with a machine and thus shows the triumph of the human spirit.

Song Essay – Sample Essay English 9

Mr. Castellano

In the traditional folk song “John Henry,” the speaker celebrates the dignity of one man in his duel with a machine and thus affirms the human spirit. The majority of the song focuses on the legendary John Henry in his battle against a steam drill that threatens his work. By the end of the song, however, John Henry’s struggle transcends his own limited experience and becomes an emblem the dignity of work and the importance of community. Despite John

Henry’s death, his story demonstrates spirit and strength.

Stanzas 1 through 6 illustrate John Henry’s battle with the steam drill as they both drive in railroad spikes. The captain seems to taunt John Henry: “I’m gonna bring that steam drill around.” Whether the captain is on the side of this machine versus this man is unclear; but the captain is certainly interested in the competition. Perhaps he cares only for the work to be completed as quickly as possible. John Henry, for his part, quickly understands the nature of the battle; he is fighting for not only his own work but all workers and the dignity of their work. He tells his captain that “a man ain’t nothing but a man.” He goes on to say that he would rather die trying than allow machines to win: “But before I let that steam drill beat me down, I’m gonna die with a hammer in my hand.” John Henry seems to understand the importance of this single competition.

As the song continues, the significance of this battle becomes more apparent and even larger. John Henry could easily stop the competition at any point; even if he loses his job, he would not lose his life. But he demonstrates a great sense of pride – in himself and his work.

Rather than succumb to the victory of a machine, he says he would rather “hammer my fool self to death.” From stanzas 3 to 4, there is also a subtle but significant shift: he switches from “that” to “your” steam drill. There is a personal quarrel here. Stanza 5 uses hyperbole (exaggeration) to illustrate John Henry’s greatness. Even the captain is in awe of John Henry’s prowess, as he confuses the noise John Henry makes with a thunderstorm.

The last 3 stanzas move the story from a battle of one man to a battle for all humanity.

John Henry “worked so hard; it just broke his heart.” That “broken heart” is both literal and figurative. John Henry dies of the heart attack, but he is also metaphorically killed by the attempt to replace him (and other workers) with a soulless machine. If the song stopped there, it would be great. But it goes on. Next, his wife Polly Ann takes up John Henry’s hammer and his battle: his death will not be in vain, as workers continue to take pride in their work. Finally, the change in the last 2 lines gives the story a sense of endurance. If you were around when John

Henry worked, “you could hear” his hammer ring. But in the last line the speaker suggests you still “can hear” his hammer ring. Wherever workers take pride in their work, John Henry’s spirit is there.

“John Henry” is a great folk song and ballad. It tells the story of one single man’s fight with insensitive bosses and the threat of machines. But it also profoundly illustrates the dignity of all work and the need for each of us to take pride in and affirm the work we do. “John Henry” is not an overtly religious song, but it celebrates the Soul of humanity.

JOHN HENRY – Traditional Folk Song, arranged and sung by Bruce Springsteen

Well, John Henry was a little baby sitting on his Daddy’s knee

He picked up a hammer and a little piece of steel

And cried, “Hammer’s gonna be the death of me, Lord, Lord,

Hammer’s gonna be the death of me.”

Now the captain he said to John Henry, “I’m gonna bring that steam drill around.

I’m gonna bring that steam drill out on these tracks.

I’m gonna knock that steel on down, God, God.

I’m gonna knock that steel on down.

John Henry told his captain, “Lord a man ain’t nothing but a man.

But before I let that steam drill beat me down,

I’m gonna die with a hammer in my hand, Lord, Lord.

I’m gonna die with a hammer in my hand.

John Henry driving on the right side, that steam drill driving on the left.

Says, “’Fore I let your steam drill beat me down

I’m gonna hammer myself to death, Lord, Lord.

I’m gonna hammer my fool self to death.

Well, captain said to John Henry, “What is that storm I hear?”

John Henry said, “That ain’t no storm, captain,

That’s just my hammer in the air, Lord, Lord.

That’s just my hammer in the air.”

John Henry said to his shaker, “Shaker, why don’t you sing?

‘Cause I’m swinging thirty pounds from my hips on down.

Yeah, listen to my cold steel ring, Lord, Lord

Yeah, listen to my cold steel ring.”

John Henry he hammered in the mountains; his hammer was striking fire.

But he worked so hard; it just broke his heart.

John Henry laid down his hammer and died, Lord, Lord.

John Henry laid down his hammer and died.

Well now John Henry he had him a woman by the name of Polly Ann.

She walked out to those tracks, picked up John Henry’s hammer.

Polly drove steal like a man, Lord, Lord.

Polly drove that steal like a man.

Well every every Monday morning when a bluebird he begins to sing

You could hear John Henry from a mile or more.

You could hear John Henry’s hammer ring, Lord, Lord.

You can hear John Henry’s hammer ring. (Repeated)
