

This semester you embarked on a journey to learn about Religions of the World. Having explored many concepts about the nature and history of religion as well as a variety of religious traditions, please discuss the following in welldeveloped essays.* You will prepare and hand in two (2) essays total.

Choose ONE of the following....


How has the examination of religious traditions other than your own increased your understanding of and respect for religion in the world today? What specific things have you learned (or been challenged to think about) have expanded/deepened your understanding and respect for religion? What will you take forward into your dealings with people in the future?


How has the examination of religious traditions other than your own influenced the way you think about your own religious tradition? Be sure to name specific ideas/practices from other religions and how they have challenged you see your own religious upbringing in a new light? and ONE of the following...

3. Sometimes, we hear people say "Religions are all basically saying the same thing...." This can disregard the unique and sacred cultural expressions of specific religious traditions. However, a respectful closer look does reveal several important themes regarding human nature, our attempts to understand and know our place before God, and our right relationship with one another. Choose any two religious traditions we have looked at this semester, and compare how they address these three areas, noting any similarities and differences...with appreciation for the unique cultural expressions of these religions. How are these 'different paths on the same journey'?

4. People who do not understand religion sometimes mistakenly say that "Religion is a way that people escape from reality." However, an informed understanding of religion reveals that healthy religious practice is a way for people to

deepen their engagement with reality. Please choose any two religions we have looked at this semester and discuss how the spirituality of this religion invites people to live with more mindful awareness of the "really real" and move away from the illusions of this world.

*Essay should be typed, double-spaced (1” margins on paper; 10/12 font size); length: one to one and a half pages. Your examples should include specific ideas that were presented in class during the semester, as well as your thoughts about those ideas. Be sure to organize and develop your thoughts in clear paragraphs…and

PROOFREAD your work before submitting.

