Music Department Independent Study Course Johannes Brahms: Chapter 6 Page 1 STUDENT NAME: 1) Dr. Greenberg states that Johannes Brahms was very productive during which time period. 2) During this time period, was Brahms still seeing Clara Schumann? 3) Name four compositions that Brahms composed during this time. 4) Concerning the French Horn (Horn Trio). Did Brahms compose this for Valved Horn or Natural (Valveless Horn). 5) From a musical form point of view, what makes the first movement of the Horn Trio unusual? 6) When Johannes Brahms was contacted by his father who announced that he (the father) was going to remarry, what was Johannes Brahms’s reaction. 7) At this point in his life Brahms is 32 years of age. What was the state of his financial accounts? Who helped him invent his money? Music Department Independent Study Course Johannes Brahms: Chapter 6 Page 2 8) Describe the concept of the piano duet. (multiple choice) 9) Where and when was the first performance of the German Requiem performed. 10) Was the first performance of the German Requiem a success or failure? 11) Why was Johannes Brahms hesitant to write his first symphony? 12) Concerning Johannes Brahms and the composer Franz Liszt. Dr. Greenberg says the Brahms was perceived as ____________________ when compare to Franz Liszt. 13) How many operas did Johannes Brahms write? 14) Between 1868 and 1874 Johannes occupied himself with composing almost exclusively vocal music? (True or False) 15) What does the German word “Lieder: mean? Music Department Independent Study Course Johannes Brahms: Chapter 6 Page 3 16) Johannes Brahms turned down an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Music from England’s Royal Academy for what reason? 17) Brahms took a job as music director of the Gesellschaft des Musikfrefreunde. What does this translate as? 18) How many years did Brahms hold this position? Three years 19) Brahms finally composes and publishers 2 string quartets. Dr. Greenberg states that Brahms destroyed upwards of _____________ previous string quartets. 20) Who does Greenberg cite for all intents and purposes as being the creator of the string quartet?