Sophomore Religions – 2nd Quarter Project Expectations of the Messiah You may choose ONE of these THREE options. Each option is out of 100 points and is 20% of your 2nd quarter grade. Please be sure to complete your project to the best of your ability. Remember, all information for these projects can be found in your notes of the “Infancy Narratives” and in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke Chapter 1 and 2. You should not need to “Google” any information, except for perhaps song lyrics for option number 3. Please e-mail or see me with any questions. Your project will be due the first class when you come back after Christmas break. Option #1 – Editorial Write a “newspaper” article that explores the questions about the coming of the Messiah. You may use interview tactics, create appropriate fictional characters for the time period and give your own opinion as the author. Remember, you are writing during the time of Jesus and not as a present day editorialist. Explore the many questions the Jewish citizens may have had, explore what issues could have been corrected – be sure to remember the suffering of many Jewish people during that time! Be sure to include correct geographical references and the climate of this life and time. (USE YOUR NOTES!) You may want to be creative by adding an illustration- anything to enhance the presentation of your project! The article must be at least 550 words double spaced. You should use at least 5 references to the time in which you are writing. (HINT- Using your notes on the “life and time of Jesus” would be extremely helpful in this option!) Option #2- Advertisement Campaign This is probably the option where you can use your creativity the most! Remember that the gossip and speculation of the coming of the Messiah was spreading about the land before the birth of Jesus. (This would be the same as our current society anticipating anything new and exciting, such as a political election or even something trivial such as the new technology being introduced to our televisions or cell phones.) Ad campaigns have a great ability to change our opinions and catch our interest. What form of advertisement would you develop to draw citizens of Jerusalem to the excitement of a new Messiah? Would it be a billboard? A magazine article spread? A catchy jingle? What would you have developed to advertise the good news of Jesus the Messiah? Use your imagination, remember it is probably not likely that billboards were common form of advertisement at this time – but we can ignore that fact for the sake of creativity! Whatever, you develop make sure you write a small blurb explaining your campaign. (Approx 8-10 sentences). You may be as creative as you would like. Remember, this has to be totally original and cannot be something you have seen on the internet or in a magazine. Option #3 Analyze a Liturgical Christmas Song Here is where you may use the internet. If you have been attending mass during Advent (or listening to the morning song before 1st period the past few weeks...) you know that music is a great way of preparing for the Lord to come. Use this knowledge to explore the meaning of these common songs- look at them with fresh eyes (and ears!) You may print out the lyrics of these songs from any reputable site (such as after you read the lyrics and listen to the song… You must make a copy of the song on a CD (no I will not listen to your IPOD!) and analyze the lyrics line by line. You must analyze the lines of the song individually line by line. After you analyze and explain each line (if a line repeats you only have to analyze it once!) You will write a short blurb explaining the song as a whole. (8-10 sentences) *** Remember, you must use a liturgical (religious song) about Jesus. For example, Rudolph the red nose reindeer would not be a good choice!*** Also, these songs were obviously developed after the coming of Jesus, but it would be wise of you to tie in some of the information you have come to understand about this time period in you analysis. Don’t forget to explore any of the misinformation’s that may be presented in the song. Please place you name, class period and due date on all projects. Your project is 5 points off every day that it is late and will no longer be accepted if more than 5 days late ( not 5 class periods!) Do your very best!