Name____________________________________________________________________ Astronomy Packet Light 1) Light is properly called the ________________________________________________________. Light itself travels through space as______________. One of the measurable qualities is _______________ which tells you the length of the ________. While _______________ tells you how many cycles are produced per second. These two qualities are _____________ related and can be used to calculate the__________________ of the ______________________. I The type of radiation with the longest _________________ are ____________________.This type of radiation is used by cellphones _____________ and _________ stations. The telescopes used to observe this form of radiation look like large _____________________________. The largest of this type of “telescopes” is located in _____________________________________. Using this type of radiation astronomer have discovered ___________________ which are the remenants of ___________________ which omit___________ of this form radiation__________. A second major discovery made through form of radiation are ____________________________. The second form of radiation discussed was _____________________ which was discovered by____________________________________________________________________________ __ ___________________________________________________________________________. Commercially this form is used to ______ food by________ the molecules of____________ until the change ________. Astronomically it has been used to see the ____________ of the Big Bang, which shows the ________________________________ which gives empty space a temperature of _______ K The next major form of radiation we discussed was _____________________ which is basically ______________________________and is produced by almost all objects. This form of radiation is used by the military for___________________ as well commericially as ________ vision. The main telescope used to observe this form of radiation is _____________________. This has allowed us to view the center of our _____________________ as visible light is blocked by the large amounts of. _________ and__________ located between us and it. Most of the astronomical data we collected during our history has been made in the ___________ part of the ________________________. This part of the spectrum is broken in to the familiar __________ which are ( from longest wavelength to shortest______ _______ _______ ________ _________ _______ ______or __________ for short. Two of the largest telescopes which use this form are ____________________ and the twin___________ in Hawaii 2) The next form of radiation discussed was ________________ or ____ for short. There are ___ types of this radiation but only____ penetrate our atmosphere. The main telescope used to observe this type of radiation is _________________. Using this type of radiation we have been able to discover _____________and _________.Human use this type of radiation for_______________ and______________ Unfortunately exposure to large amounts of this form of radiation has been linked to ____________________ as this radiation causes _____________________in __________. But small doses of this radiation are beneficial in the synthesis of Vitamin __ which is used by the body for____________________________. The next form of radiation we discussed was _________________ which was discovered by__________________________ and used to take an image of his __________________________________ now known as the 1st ______. This type of radiation is used today to take images of ____________________ in the medical field. In terms of astronomy the main “telescope” used to observe this form of radiation is _______________. Using this type of radiation astronomer have studied__________________ and_______________ as well providing evidence for____________________ and more image about the __________of our galaxy. The final form of Radiation we discussed was__________ which was originally though to only occur during __________decay or explosions. It was discovered in space by the _______ during the ________________ while we were looking for___________________. We found them but deep in ________ , thes_____ wer incredibly powerful and are now attributed to ____________ and ______________and _______________________ The 2 main satellites used to study this form of radiation are _________ and ___________ . 3) Astronomers use_____________________ to calculate the Surface temperature of celestial objects. Other tools used astronomers to study distance objects makeup are ___________ and________ spectral analysis. This tool allows scientists to understand what the _____________ makeup of a star or the composition of the_____________ of a planet.