Geology : The Dynamic Planet Course Requirements

Geology : The Dynamic Planet Course
Mr. A. Gonzalez
Objectives: This course will be three-fold in its purpose:
- To describe the origin and evolution of elements, earth, continents, oceans and atmosphere. The
relationship of various earth components (rocks and minerals) to materials useful to society (ores, fossil
fuels and gemstones). The effects of surface processes (rivers, deserts, glaciations, soils) in the context of
contemporary problems, including water supply, hurricanes and world climate. The study of tectonic
forces with the related geologic hazards of volcanism and earthquakes.
- The study of mineral and rock formation/classification. As well as how stress and strain allow for the
development of natural structures in the earth’s crust.
- To describe the origin and evolution of the Earth and biosphere throughout geologic time. Students
will study the events of the Archean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras. Other topics
will include the Geologic Time Scale. Evolution, extinction and the fossil record
Course Requirements: Your final grade will be determined by your grades on full-period tests, quizzes,
quests, lab reports, projects and homework. All students’ grades will be based on the following
50 %: Full Period Exams
10% Weekly Take Home Quests
10 %: Quizzes
10 % Lab Reports
15 %: Projects/Reports
5 %: Attendance/Preparedness
- All assignments are due promptly on the assigned day. Late assignments will be assessed a 15 point
penalty for each day late. Assignments more than 2 class sessions late will not be accepted. If you
anticipate having problems meeting these deadlines please notify me.
- Lab reports will be due 2 days after completion of an experiment.
- All Lab Reports must be organized in the same manner and format. This will be discussed during your
1st Lab period.
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- All lab activities and associated data are to be recorded in your lab notebook. This notebook may be
randomly collected and graded as a quiz
- Notification for exams will occur 4-7 days prior to the exam date.
- There will be 3-4 major exams per quarter
- Quizzes may or may not have prior notification. The total number of quizzes per quarter will vary per
quarter. On average you will have a quiz each week.
- You will be given a take home Quest each week. Quests will be due 4 class sessions after they are
- One project will be assigned per quarter. These projects will be assigned within the 1st two weeks of
each quarter and will due be the last week of the quarter. These projects will involve some travel within
the five boroughs of NYC. Please plan ahead.
- Students are expected to participate on a regular basis during the classroom sessions. This will allow
you and me to address any problems which may arise during the year in a timely manner.
- Students are expected to behave in an appropriate and adult manner. Disregarding this will result in
both disciplinary and academic punishment.
- Students must arrive to the classroom promptly and sit in their assigned seats upon entering. Students
must remain in their seats for the entire period unless instructed otherwise.
-Each and every class will begin with a prayer; reverence and participation are expected during all
- Talking during class will result in two problems: 1) Loss of information and class notes and 2)
Disciplinary consequences such as the loss of points on upcoming tests/projects.
- If you need to contact me after school hours, the best way to reach me is through my email . Emails will be answered promptly but email received after 6pm will may not
be answered until the next business day. The same is true for email sent on weekends or during Holidays.
-I will be providing academic assistance before school, sessions will be in E015 before school from 7:50825 am
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Topic 1: Physical Geology
Unit 1: Introduction to Geology
Definition of Geology
Subtypes of Geology
Evolution of Geology
Earth as a System
Earth’s Internal Structure
Required Reading: Textbook pages 2 – 20, 23 – 27
Complete Key Terms list in Textbook
o Exclude words on pages 21 – 22 and 28 – 33
Unit 2: Mineralogy
Mineral Properties
Mineral Groups
Mineral Resources
Required Reading: Textbook pages 38 – 57
Complete all Key Terms
Unit 3: Igneous Rocks
A) Magma
B) Igneous Compositions & Texture
C) Intrusive Igneous Activity
Required Reading: Textbook pages 64 – 86
Complete all Key Terms
Unit 4: Weathering & Sedimentary Rocks
A) Weathering and its Subtypes
B) Types of Sedimentary Rocks and Classification
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Required Reading: Textbook pages 124 – 132, 150 – 172
Complete all Key terms in Chapter 6, Selected Key Terms in Chapter 5
Unit 5: Metamorphic & Metamorphic Rock
A) Cause of Metamorphism
B) Classification
Required Reading: Textbook pages 178 – 193
Complete All Key Terms
Unit 6: The Atmosphere (Time Permitting)
Layers of the Atmosphere
Wind & Wind Patterns
Water Cycle
Clouds & Cloud Types
Basic Air System
Required Reading: Web Article to be assigned
Key terms to be assigned
Unit 7: The Hydrosphere(Time Permitting)
A) Running Water & Hydrologic Cycle
B) Drainage Patterns
C) Flooding
Required Reading: Textbook pages 216 – 236
Key Terms Chapter 9
Topic 2: Forces of Nature and Catastrophes
Unit 8: Volcanism
A) Types of Volcanoes
B) Eruption Types & Effects
Required Reading: Textbook pages 92 – 120, Krakatoa an Eyewitness
Key Terms Textbook page 120
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Unit 9: Glaciers and Glaciation
A) Types
B) Formation
C) Ice Ages
Required Reading: Textbook pages 262 – 283
Key Terms Textbook page 284
Unit 10: Weather, Hurricanes, Tornadoes(Time Permitting)
Required Reading: Textbook pages 308 – 328, and additional handouts
Key Terms will be assigned
Unit 11: Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics, & Mountain Building
Required Reading: Textbook pages 336 – 357, 418 – 433
Complete Key Terms on Textbook pages 358 & 434
Topic 3: History of the Earth
Unit 12: Geologic Time
Required Reading: Textbook pages 438 – 458
Unit 13: Earth’s Formation and Early History
Required Reading: Textbook pages 462 – 473, 477 – 479
Key Terms TBA
Unit 14: Earth’s First Life
Required Reading: Textbook pages 473 – 474, 479 – 483, & Web Article
Unit 15: The Age of Reptiles
- Required Reading: Textbook pages 474 – 475, 483 – 487, & Web Article
- Key Terms TBA
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Unit 16: The Age of Mammals & Man
Required Reading: Textbook pages 475 – 477, 487 – 490, & Web Article
Key Terms TBA
Gonzalez 2014
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