Storytelling Reflection

Storytelling Reflection
As we will begin to explore themes and Biblical characters in various films, we will first discuss the importance of
storytelling. Through storytelling we invoke emotions and recall traditions that are important to our families, friends,
and communities.
Students please reflect on a story that is significant to you. This is a story that is either from your family (traditions,
holidays, etc.) or a significant moment in your life (graduation, birth of a sibling, birthdays, etc.). Students are to
write the story as detailed as possible. After you have provided the story students are to reflect on the importance
of the story in their life; was this a turning point story, was there conflict, did you learn something about yourself or
someone else….?
1st Section: Story (at least two paragraphs) 25 pts
2nd Section: Significance of this story (at least three paragraphs) 50 pts
3rd Section: Find a passage in the Gospels of when Jesus uses a story (allegory) to explain an important message
that speaks to you. You must provide proper Biblical citation and an explanation of why you chose this particular
passage (at least one paragraph) 25 pts
HW = 100 pts
Typed, stapled, full complete sentences
*Students must demonstrate effort in their responses: attention to detail, thoughtful consideration to the questions,
and genuine reflection on the importance of this story to you!