Parable/Kingdom of God Notes

Parable/Kingdom of God Notes
“Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”
Parable: favorite teaching devices of Jesus in which he told a short story with a striking, memorable
comparison that taught religious message, usually about some aspect of God’s Kingdom
Lost Coin and Lost Sheep
(Lk 15:3-10)
Woman with 10 coins losing one would sweep the whole house  *REMINDER* significance of using a
woman as the main character of the story
o Rejoice over the one coin returned to complete the collection
 100 sheep: the shepherd left the 99 for the 1 missing
o Jesus is our shepherd to get us when we are lost
o More joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than 99 righteous
 Characteristics: 1. Kingdom of God is for everyone 3. Sinners are welcomed to the kingdom
 What other characteristics could you argue?
 What would be the moral message of the story?
The Sower and the Seed
(Mt 13:1-9)
Seeds: faith, word of God (our own seeds)
Seeds on the path birds ate the seeds
Seeds on the rocky ground not much soil, burned by the sun because they lacked roots
Seeds among the thorns choked and withered the seeds
Seeds on rich soil flourished and grew
o How can we take personal inventory of our own faith different stages of our life
o Are we allowing our faith to grow and prosper?
Characteristics: 1. Kingdom of God is for everyone
*What other characteristics could you argue?
*What would be the moral message of the story?
Pharisee and Tax Collector
(Lk 18:8-14)
 Pharisee: lived in strict adherence to the law
 Tax Collector: considered traitors because of alliance to Roman empire
 Pharisee and tax collector went to Temple
o Pharisee thanked God he was not like the rest of humanity and was convinced of his own
righteousness: boasts about his good deeds
o Tax collector did not even look up towards heaven “O, God be merciful to me a sinner”
 Who is justified? Tax collector
 Characteristics: 1. Kingdom of God is for everyone 2. Kingdom of God is for the poor and the lowly 3.
Sinners are welcomed to the kingdom
*What other characteristics could you argue?
*What other characteristics could you argue?
*What would be the moral message of the story?
The Good Samaritan
(Lk 10:29-37)
“Who is my neighbor?”
Man fell victim by robbers: Priest, Levite, Samaritan (what do you remember about their social
 The Samaritan shows mercy brings the man to the inn to allow him to rest
 What is our understanding of the phrase “a good Samaritan”
 Characteristics: 1. Kingdom of God is for everyone 2. The Kingdom of God is for the poor and the lowly
*What other characteristics could you argue?
*What would be the moral message of the story?
Workers in the Vineyard
(Mt 20:1-16)
“The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard”
Workers came at dawn, 9am, 3pm, and 5pm “You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what
is just”
Giving their wages, begin with the last and end with the first
o The last got the daily wage, the first thought they would get paid more
o “Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what is yours and go.”
The last will be first, and the first will be last
God is our judge and decides our reward it is God’s judgment, not ours
Characteristics: 1. Kingdom of God is for everyone 2. Kingdom of God is for the poor and the lowly
*What other characteristics could you argue?
*What would be the moral message of the story?
The Prodigal Son
(Lk 15:11-32)
A man has two sons the younger son collected all his belongings and set off and spent everything
The younger son decided to go back home “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers.”
o Father ordered his servants to gather up a celebration for the return of his son
 The older brother was angry “Look, all these years I served you and not once did I disobey your
 Unconditional love from parents: the father God
o Issues with siblings; jealousy and comparison
 Characteristics: 1. Kingdom of God is for everyone 3. Sinners are welcomed into the Kingdom
*What other characteristics could you argue?
*What would be the moral message of the story?