Made in the Image What does it mean to be human? We have many aspects to us: *physical *intellectual *emotional *spiritual Maturity A process evolving with age and experience whereby we enter more fully into our own personhood But what does maturity mean for us? As human beings we possess dignity and free will that make us unique from all other creation [we are concerned with our MORAL maturity and the development of our conscience] we will answer these questions 1. What makes us human? 2. What does it mean to be made in God's image? 3. How do we make moral decisons? 4. What is the importance of truth and integrity for our society today? We are magnificent creatures, the summit of God’s creative activity. God has put humans in charge of the rest of creation, commanding us to lovingly care for and use it for human betterment. God freely created humans out of love. God is the Creator; we are not. We are God’s creature s. Christian beliefs about creation Humans are Made in the Divine Image Inherent means inborn or inherited, something that does not need to be earned or acquired Dignity is the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect. Every human person has worth and value because each person is made in God’s image. Human Dignity Why the two Creation Stories? What did we learn? The two stories together help to give us the BIGGER picture that God instills order, but is not restricted by time; God oversees all creation, but is intimately involved; God is infinite, but is also with us. Man and woman are EQUAL, made in God's image --> they are complementary We have a soul: the innermost or spiritual part of a person, the soul is eternal (God giving man the "breath of life") We have dignity We are called to stewardship: the proper use of the gifts God has given us, in particular the care for creation that will allow the earth and its resources to flourish and be long lasting What do we learn about human characteristics from creation Daily Journal Read Genesis 3: The Fall and give a brief summary in your journals. Then answer the question: who is to blame for original sin? Original Sin Tree of life vs. Tree of knowledge of good and evil What is the only command God gave man and woman? What does this mean that man and woman had to understand? So what is the condition of man and woman before? Additional Qualities we possess.... intellect: the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively free will: the capacity to choose among alternatives--> power rooted in reason and perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility. conscience: a person's most secret core and sanctuary that helps the person determine between good and evil So what did Adam and Eve do? sin: an offense against God through a violation of truth, reason, and conscience This is Original Sin: the fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Christ Jesus came to save us from Original Sin Did we commit Original Sin? We commit personal sins mortal sin: a serious violation of God's law of love that results in the loss of God's life in the soul of the sinner grave matter full knowledge complete consent venial sin: a sin that weakens and wounds our relationship with God but does not destroy divine life in our souls We inherit Original Sin concupiscence: an inclination to commit sin. It can be found in human desires and appetites as a result of Original Sin What can help us to avoid sin? We are initiated into the faith: BAPTISM--> "the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments" Jesus came and died for our sins! Paschal Mystery: the saving love of God most fully revealed in the life and especially the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ Daily Journal What tools do you think will help you to avoid sin? How do you know what is right from wrong? Morality putting your faith and religion into practice through making good decisions in word and action Our faith and religion: Catholic: Greek word for universal--> one, holy, apostolic, and catholic monotheistic vs. polytheistic agnostic and atheist What about the Trinity?? We need to be in a routine to make good choices virtue: good habits that help us live a moral life vice: bad habits linked to capital sins Can we be forgiven? YES! **Reconciliation: another term for the Sacrament of Penance, in which Christ extends his forgiveness to sinner through the aboslution conferred by a priest Sin alienates us in 3 ways: 1. from God 2. from others 3. from ourselves The Divine Dilemma Tree of Life live in harmony with God Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Death Creation would be eternally separated from God (against God's rule) Because of Original Sin, Jesus had to take on the form of a human body to correct the sin that man first committed against God Natural Law: our participation in the Divine Law--> what we can discover about human nature and its moral duties independent of God's gift of Revelation Seven Capital Sins Pride – excessively high opinion of oneself Greed – desire for earthly goods Envy – sorrow over another’s good fortune Anger – desire for revenge Lust – craving for sexual pleasure Gluttony – immoderate consumption of food or drink Sloth – laziness Do good and avoid evil Love your neighbor Don't murder Don't steal What we lack God reveals to us: Revelation:the way God communicates knowledge of himself to humankind The Law of Moses: summarized in the Ten Commandments--> sets the stage for the New Law, Law of Christ The Ten Commandments: summarize the major precepts of the Old Law, expressing the truths of the natural law that human reason can discover on its own First three: love for God Last seven: love for neighbor 1. I am the Lord your God: You shall not have strange gods before me 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day 4. Honor your father and mother 5. You shall not kill 6. You shall not commit adultery 7. You shall not steal 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife 10.You shall not covet your neighbor's goods So let's review: We use our conscience and free will to make choices--> we can know right from wrong Natural law: things we can know on our own ability Revelation: when God helps by communicating with us ---> Ten Commandments (Old Law) **next quarter: New Law (Jesus Christ) we must be aware of our actions because they can develop in habits: bad=vice (capital sins) good=virtue So what are good habits we can develop to make better choices? Cardinal Virtues: the "hinge" virtues from which all other virtues come Theological Virtues: three important virtues bestowed on us at Baptism that relate us to God Prudence: common sense and wisdom "right reason in action" Justice: consists in a person's always giving his or her due to God or neighbor Fortitude: courage, enables a person to conquer fears, even fear of death, for a just cause Temperance: moderates a person's attractions to pleasures and helps balance the way we use created goods Faith: belief in and personal knowledge of God Hope: trust in God's salvation and his bestowal of the graces needed to attain it Charity: love of God and love of neighbor