Kino Junior High Bands – Friday, September 25, 2015 Fall Concert Information! – 480-472-2450 Greetings, Our fall concert is coming up on Thursday, October 8th at 7:00. We will be sharing this performance with the Kino choir, and I am looking forward to it! I wanted to make sure I communicated some details with everyone. First, please plan to arrive in the band room (in full concert dress) before 6:40PM to get warmed-up and tuned. Second, the music department is working on getting new Kino Music polos made for the students, but they will not be ready by the first concert. For this first concert, please wear solid black. Guys should wear a solid black button-front or polo, long black pants, and black shoes. Ladies should wear a black top (with sleeves) and can choose to wear either long pants or a long black skirt that goes past the knee. The goal here is to look nice and professional for our evening concerts. If there is a financial issue regarding the concert attire, please e-mail or call me as soon as possible. Finally, attendance at this concert is required, and is a part of the 1st quarter grade. Please see the band handbook regarding grading policies. The concert will be finished at approximately 7:30PM. I look forward to meeting you at our first performance of the year! Thank you for your support of instrumental music in our schools! -Mr. Livingston Other required concert dates: Thursday, December 10th, 6:30PM – combined with Edison Elementary Bands Thursday, January 21st, 7:00PM – Westwood HS area feeder concert @WHS Thursday, March 3rd, 7:00PM – Kino Band Tuesday May 17th, 7:00PM – Kino Band Extra credit performance: Friday, October 30th – Westwood HS Football Game “Junior High Night”