Edison Elementary Eagle’s Nest

Edison Elementary
Eagle’s Nest
Edison Elementary – Mesa Public Schools
Office Phone 480-472-5300
Cafeteria 480-472-5246
Health Office 480-472-5283
Attendance 480-472-5282
Title One
Calendar Notes
Early Release – Sept 11th
@ 12:15 & Picture Day
------------------------------ End of 1st Quarter- Oct 4th
Early Release @11:45 a.m.
 Fall Break - No School
October 7-11
 Parent Conference Week
Oct 14-17 dismiss @ 1:15
Campus Notes
Dogs are not allowed on campus.
Not to run, not on a leash, not to
play and not to come with you to
pick up your student. The district
materials sent to our families and
our signage around campus
instructs our community to keep their
pets off campus. Those who haven’t
paid attention or just ignore this are
the problem. We are finding a great
deal of dog feces left after people
bring their pets with them.
Edison is not a park for this type of
use. The city does provide a
number of facilities for people and
their pets. So please use them and
keep your pets away from campus.
If dogs come on our campus during
school hours, we have to contact
Animal Control for pick up. Last
year we have several students
injured by dogs that entered
campus. Please put collars and tags
on your dogs and best of all, keep
them at home.
If you see activity on our campus
that look suspicious, please contact
the police at 644-2211 and report
the incident.
Parent Teacher Conference Week
October 14th to October 17th will be Edison’s Conference Week.
School is dismissed early @ 1:15 p.m. every day of that week -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete the attached forms for your family to set your
conference date/time. We need one form completed for each
family, but please list all students and room numbers on the form
you return. We make copies of the returned forms and distribute
them to all staff. If you have a student that has multiple teachers,
the conference will be scheduled with their homeroom teacher as
the main point of contact. We look forward to seeing you and
reviewing the work your student has from the first quarter.
We ask families to schedule a range of times on a specific day.
We do our best to accommodate your choice. We will be offering
evening conferences on Thursday, October 17th. Please do not
schedule in this block if you can make another time/day.
If your family can arrange a person to help you with translation, it
is very helpful. We have more requests for translators for
conferences than we can provide. Please ask those you know to
be there to help if they have language skills to assist. It would be
greatly appreciated.
If for any reason you cannot make your scheduled time, please
have the courtesy to call the teachers you are scheduled with if
for any reason you cannot attend. Their phone numbers and
email information is located at…
http://www.mpsaz.org/edison/staff or call 472-5300 for the office.
Edison has had some class changes recently due to our
increased enrollment and ELD testing. We have had to changes
classes at Kinder, Third and Fourth grades this year. We
appreciate all the support as we transition students. Doing this is
not fun for students or staff, but it is necessary to adjust for the
best class sizes and learning environments we can provide.
Page 2 of 2
Eagle’s Nest
Edison News and Notes
Free or Reduced-price meal benefits based on last year’s application will expire on Thursday,
19, 2013. If you have not already done so, please submit a NEW 2013-2014
22, 2008
Family Meal Application to the cafeteria before September 19, 2013 or Meal Benefits will
Stop and your child will be charged full price for school meals.
Issue 2
Los beneficios de comidas Gratis o a precio Reducido basado en la aplicación del año pasado
expirarán el Jueves, 19 de Septiembre 2013. Si aún no lo ha hecho, por favor enviar una nueva
2013-2014 Aplicación Familiar para Comidas a la cafetería antes de 19 de Septiembre 2013 o
los Beneficios de Comidas se detendrá y a su hijo/a se le cobrará el precio completo por las
comidas escolares.
COX Communications- MPS Program
Cox Communications and Connect2Compete are teaming up to help families get affordable
Internet access. Mesa Public Schools is partnering with them to get the word out. Families
should have received information about the program in the form of an introductory letter in
English and Spanish, an informational flier in English and Spanish and there are posters up in the
office with more details. This program has asked us to direct parent inquiries to use the contact
information in the letter and on the fliers.
Connect2Compete.org/Cox or call 1-855-222-3252 for company information on the program.
Picture Day- September 11th
No morning recess.
Please make sure the clothing you select for school pictures is still in line with the MPS dress
code. Items that do not fit will prevent your student from getting their picture taken with their class
and parents will be contacted to provide a change of clothing for them to attend classes that day.
Visit our Website for all our news and events. http://www.mpsaz.org/edison