LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI –600 034 B.Sc., DEGREE EXAMINATION – MATHEMATICS/PHYSICS FOURTH SEMESTER – NOVEMBER 2003 CH - 4200/CHE200 - GENERAL CHEMISTRY FOR MATHS & PHYSICS 12-11-2003 Max:100 marks 9.00 - 12.00 PART - A Answer ALL the questions. (10x2=20 marks) 1. The molecular mass of acetic acid in benzene is 120. Explain. 2. What happens when anthracene is treated with H2(g) in the presence of a catalyst? 3. What are mordants? Give one example. 4. What are broad spectrum antibiotics? Give one example. 5. Define bond dissociation energy. 6. Define lattice energy 7. Write the electrode reaction in a calomel electrode when it serves as anode. 8. Write the structure of glucose. 9. What is cracking? 10. What is Bordeaux mixture? PART - B Answer any EIGHT questions. (8x5=40 marks) 11. Explain the two types of hydrogen bonding with one example for each. 12. Explain lanthanide contraction. Mention is consequences. 13. How is naphthalene isolated from coal tar? What happens when its is sulphonated? 14. Give any one method of preparing pyrrole. What happens when it is treated with CHCl3 + alc.KOH? 15. How is sulfanilamide synthesized? Mention the structure and one use of a sulpha drug. 16. State and explain Hess's law. 17. How are carbohydrates classified? 18. What is SHE? Explain its construction and use. 19. Mention the role of micronutrients with two examples. 20. State and explain Kohlrausch's law. 21. Explain nuclear fusion. 22. Mention the significance of primary and secondary structures of proteins. PART - C Answer any FOUR questions. (4x10=40 marks) 23. a) Explain ion-exchange method of separating lanthanides. (6) b) Briefly explain any one theory of hydrogen bonding. (4) 24. a) Explain with equations the preparation of any two of the following. i) Malachite green ii) asprin iii) congored. (4+4) b) What are chromophores? Give one example. (2) 25. a) Drive Kirchoff's equation. (5) b) Explain Born-Haber cycle with one example. (5) 26. a) Explain any one method for N-terminal analysis (6) b) Explain any two factors affecting enzymatic reaction. (4) 27. Write briefly on any two of the following a) photosynthesis b) coductometric titration c) Applications of radioisotopes in medicine (5+5) 28. a) How is Ka of a weak acid determined using Kohlrausch's law? (6) b) How is triple superphosphate prepared? Give the equation. (4)