LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – MATHEMATICS FIRST SEMESTER – NOVEMBER 2012 MT 1500 - ALGEBRA, ANALY. GEO., CALCULUS & TRIGONOMETRY Date : 08/11/2012 Time : 1:00 - 4:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART – A Answer ALL the questions: (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. Write the nth derivative of y log (ax b). 2. If y = a cos(log x) b sin (log x) show that x 2 y2 xy1 y O. 3. Define the evolute of a curve. 4. Find the p-r equation of the curve r = a sin . 5. Determine the quadratic equation having 3 – 2 i as a root. 6. Diminish the roots of x 4 5 x 3 7 x 2 4 x 5 0 by 2. 7. Show that cosh 2 x sinh 2 x 1. 8. Express sinh 1 x in locus of logarithmic function. 9. Define a rectangular hyporbola. 10. Write down the angle between the asymptotes of the hyperbola x2 y2 1. a2 b2 PART – B Answer any FIVE questions: (5 x 8 = 40 marks) 11. Show that in the parabola y 2 4ax the subtangent at any point is double the abscissa and the subnormal is a constant. 12. Find the radius of curvature at the point ‘O’ on x a(cos sin ); y a(sin cos ) . 13. Show that if the roots of x 3 px 2 qx r o are in arithmetic progresssi on then 2p 3 9 pq 27r O. 14. Find the p-r equation of the curve 2a 1 cos with respect to the focus as the pole. r 15. Separate tan( x iy ) into real and uniaguinary parts. 16. Find the sum of the series 1 sin n . 2n 17. Find the locus of poles of ale Laugets to y 2 4ax with respect to y 2 4bx. 18. Derive the polar equation 1 e cos of a comic. r PART – C Answer any TWO questions: ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks) 1 19. a) If y ea sin x prove that 1 x 2 y n 2 (2n 1) xyn1 (n 2 a 2 ) y n 0. b) Show that r = a sec2 2 and r = b cosec2 2 intersect at right angles. 20. a) Find the minimum value of x 2 5 y 2 6 x 10 y 12. 3a 3a b) Find the radius of curvature of x 3 y 3 3axy at , . 2 2 21. a) Solve: x 3 19 x 2 114 x 216 0 given that the roots are in geometric progression. b) Solve: 6 x 5 11x 4 33x 3 33x 2 11x 6 0 . 22. a) Express cos8 in locus of power of sin. b) If e1 and e2 are the eccentricities of a hyperbola and its conjugate show that e12 e22 1 . $$$$$$$$