LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – PHYSICS SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION – JUNE 2009 PH 5504 - ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS Date & Time: 25/06/2009 / 10:00 - 1:00 Dept. No. PART A Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Max. : 100 Marks (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. State Pauli’s exclusion principle 2. What is Stark effect? 3. What are isobars and isotopes. 4. Name any two features on which range of α – particle depend? 5. Why magnetic moment of neutron is negative? 6. What is nuclear fission? 7. What are magic numbers? 8. Name the four fundamental interactions. 9. Explain spin lattice relaxation? 10. Write the relationship between relaxation time and transition probability. PART B Answer any four questions. (4 x 7.5 = 30 marks) 11. Give an account of Dunnington’s method of determining e/m of an electron. 12. a) Define Mass defect and binding energy of a nucleus. b) Calculate the binding energy of a neutron in 3Li7 nucleus. Express the result in Mev and joules.( 3Li7 =7.016004 3Li6 = 6.015125 0n1 = 1.008665) 13. Calculate the amount of energy released in one fission. 14. a) Explain pair production and annihilation in cosmic ray showers? b) Explain the significance of Van Allen belt. 15. Describe the interaction between nuclear magnetic moment and the magnetic field and obtain an expression for transition frequency. PART C Answer any four questions. (4 x 12.5 = 50 marks) 16. a) Derive an expression for change in wavelength due to Compton effect b) Write a note on spin- orbit interaction. 17. a) Explain the neutrino theory of β- Decay b) Using Geiger-Nuttal law explain the relation between disintegration constant and range 18. a) Describe the Construction and working of a nuclear reactor. b) Write a note on thermonuclear reactions. 19. a) Explain Yukawa’s theory of nuclear forces. Establish that the particle which mediate the nuclear forces is 275 times heavier than electron. b) Discus the classification of elementary particles. 20. a) Explain chemical shift with examples. b) Describe Mossbauer effect. **********