LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION - COMPUTER APP. FOURTH SEMESTER – APRIL 2012 CA 4953 - ENTERPRISE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT USING FOSS Date : 25-04-2012 Time : 1:00 - 4:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART – A Answer all questions: (10x2 = 20) 1. What is software freedom? 2. Name two countries which effected open standards as Government Policy. 3. What is integrated development environment? 4. What is version control? 5. Why it is preferred to write JavaScript coding in a separate file? 6. Define text-decoration property in CSS. 7. What is the purpose of where clause in MySQL? 8. How database connectivity is established in MySQL? 9. Define cookies in PHP. 10. What is global variable in PHP? PART – B Answer all questions: (5x8 = 40) 11a. What is open standards? Explain. (or) b. Discuss Communication Tools used in FOSS development methodology. 12a. Briefly explain what is Eclipse IDE (or) b. Write short notes on form elements in HTML 13a. Discuss event handling in JavaScript. (or) b. How border properties are set in CSS? Explain. 14a. Explain the following built-in functions in MySQL: i. Math function ii. Date function. (or) b. Write a program to update the fields – id, name, date_of_birth, FOSS_mark, Networks_mark of table student 15a. What is Model – View – Controller Architecture? Explain. (or) b. Explain Super Globals in PHP. PART - C Answer any two questions (2X20 = 40) (Q.no.16 is compulsory) 16a. Explain conditional control statements in PHP. b. Describe user-defined functions in PHP. 17a. How arrays are handled in JavaScript? Explain. b. Explain Font properties in CSS. 18a. Give an account of string functions in MySQL. b. What is bug tracking in FOSS development methodology? Explain. ************