LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI– 600 034 M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION HISTORY FIRST SEMESTER NOVEMBER 2003 HT 1800/H 715 CULTURAL HERITAGE OF INDIA 04.11.2003 Max: 100 Marks 1.00 4.00 PART A (4 5= 20 Marks) Answer any FOUR of the following not exceeding 100 words each 01. Vedas and upavedas 02. ‘Four Noble Truths’ 03. Define ‘CASTE’ what are its characteristics? 04. Four Buddhist Councils 05. Indo-Saracenic style of Architecture 06. Charles Wood’s education despatch (1854) PART B (2 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following in 300 words each 07. What are the distinctive characteristics of Indian culture? 08. Explain the ‘Aryan problem’ and describe the various theories regarding the original homeland of the Aryans. 09. What is the significant contribution of Tamil to the growth of literature in Ancient India? 10. Trace the contribution of western scholars to the revival of glorious cultural past of India. PART C (3 20 = 60 Marks) Answer any THREE of the following not exceeding 1200 words each 11. Point out the salient features of Harappan culture and civilisation and examine the causes for its disappearance. 12. Account for the rise of reform movements and discuss the life and teachings of Mahavira in relation to that. 13. Describe the political, economic and religious condition of the later vedicage. In what respect did it differ from the Rigvedicage? 14. How are far is it right to characterise the Mauryan period as the ‘Age of imperial unity’? 15. “The Gupta period stands at the centre of Indian history”. Discuss the development of Arts and Literature in the Gupta period in the light of this statement. *****