LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI– 600 034 M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION HISTORY FIRST SEMESTER NOVEMBER 2003 HT 1803/H 718 ANCIENT WORLD CIVILIZATION 11.11.2003 Max: 100 Marks 1.00 4.00 PART A (4 5= 20 Marks) Answer any FOUR of the following in not exceeding 100 words each 01. What was the contribution of Egyptians to Architecture? 02. Write a note on Code of Hammurabi 03. Give the significance of the Great wall of China. 04. The Alphahet is the greatest contribution of the Phoenicians Explain 05. Examine the doctrine of Hebrew faith. 06. Mention the salient features of Athenian Democracy PART B (2 10 = 20 Marks) Answer any TWO of the following in not exceeding 200 words each 07. What was the contribution of Assyrians to political and Military system? 08. Explain the main ideas of Zorastrianism. 09. Explain the features of the Sumerian Government. 10. Write a note on the Civilization of the Incas. PART C (3 20 = 60 Marks) Answer any THREE of the following not exceeding 1200 words each 11. Point out the progress made by the Egyptians in the political, social religious and Cultural spheres. 12. Estimate the career & Contribution of Confucius and Lao Tse. 13. The age of Pericles was unique in the History of Greek culture Discuss. 14. Estimate the Contribution of Rome to Mankind. 15. Asses the contribution of Mayas and Aztecs. *****