LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI 600 034. M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION HISTORY THIRD SEMESTER APRIL 2003 HT 3803 / H 918 HISTORIOGRAPHY AND METHODOLOGY 23.04.2003 1.00 4.00 Max : 100 Marks PART A Answer any FOUR of the following in not more than 100 words each. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. State the scope of history. What is diplomatic history? What are the views of St. Augusts on History? Does history repeat itself? Give reasons. Write a note on ‘Nationalist historians’. List the importance of ‘Footnotes’. PART B Answer any TWO of the following in not more than 300 words each. 07. 08. 09. 10. (2 10=20 marks) ‘History is an mending dialogue between the past and present’ Explain. Elaborate the features of medieval Indian historiography. Briefly examine the sources for the study of Indian National Movement. Explain the assignment of the thesis. PART C Answer any THREE of the following in 1200 words each. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. (4 5=20 marks) (320=60 marks) Discuss the definitions, Nature and limitations of history. History is a Scienceno less no moreExamine. What is ‘historical objectivity’? Discuss objectivity and subjectivity in history. Examine the steps to be followed while selecting a topic for research? What is meant by criticism? Analyse the positive and negative aspects of internal criticism. + + + + +