LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI 600 034. M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION APPLIED HISTORY SECOND SEMESTER APRIL 2003 HT 2803 / H 818 CHANGING EUROPE AFTERII WORLD WAR (19451995) 28.04.2003 1.00 4.00 Max : 100 Marks PART A Answer any FOUR of the following in about 100 words each. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. (4 5=20 marks) European Parliament ANZUZ Pact Council of Europe 1949 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Nicolae Ceausescu Maastrict Treaty of 1991 PART B (2 10=20 marks) Answer any TWO of the following questions, each answer in about 300 words. 07. 08. 09. 10. Write an account on the success of Solidarity party led by Lech Walesa on Poland. Examine the origin and development of Cold War in Europe. Evaluate the objectives of the European Common Market. Estimate the efforts taken by Gorbachev in transforming and revitalising Soviet Union. PART C (320=60 marks) Answer any THREE of the following questions, each answer in about 1200 words. 11. Critically analyse the efforts made to reconstruct Europe after the Second World War. 12. Define ‘disarmament’ and describe the various steps taken to promote disarmament in Europe since 1945. 13. Examine the ethnic conflict in Yogoslavia with special emphasis on Bosnian crisis. 14. Analyse the impact of the Second World War on Germany and enumerate the events that led to unify the divided Germany. 15. Evaluate the successive enlargement of the European Community and the introduction of ‘Euro’. + + + + +