LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.A DEGREE EXAMINATION – ENGLISH LITERATURE V SEMESTER - NOV. 2004 EL 5502/ENG 507–LINGUISTICS Date : 29.10.04 Time: 9 – 12 noon Max . : 100 marks Duration: 3 hours PART-A Answer any FIVE questions choosing atleast TWO from each group. (5 x 4 = 20 marks) GROUP A 1. Write a short note on Ameliorative and pejorative meanings. 2. Define Glide with examples. 3. Explain the medial consonant clusters. 4. Describe the place and manner of articulation of semi-vowels. GROUP – B 5. Write on any one feature of language. 6. Explain noun morphologically. 7. What is a social dialect? 8. What is Linguistics? PART – B Answer any FOUR of the following questions choosing at least TWO from each group. (4 x 10 = 40 marks) GROUP C 9. Write a paragraph on syllables and syllabic consonants. 10. Describe the place and manner of articulation of the voiceless consonants. 11. ‘Semantics helps a linguist to understand a language in its past, present and future’ – Discuss. GROUP D. 12. What is Traditional Grammar? 13. Explain Register with reference to Field, Mode and Tenor. 14. Explain Foregronding. PART – C Answer the following in about 300 words each. (2 x 20 = 40 marks) GROUP E. 15. Discuss the scope and aspect of English language with reference to the Bible and the English literature. (OR) Explain the place and manner of articulation of voiced consonants. Give a three lable description to each voiced consonant. 16. Write an essay on psychological and social factors of language learning. (OR) Attempt an essay on Figures of Speech.