LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 BA/BSC/BCOM DEGREE EXAMINATION – GENERAL ENGLISH I SEMESTER OCT. 2004 EL 1050/GEL 050 – ENGLISH THROUGH MEDIA - I Date : 25.10.04 Duration : 1 – 4 pm Max : 100 marks Hours : 3 hrs PRINT MEDIA 1. Convert the following news story into a news digest. (10 marks) 2. Expand the following news in brief to a full news report. [150 words] (10 marks) Mirage crash GWALIOR, SEPT. 23. A Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force crashed near here today. The pilot ejected to safety. - PTI 3. Write a letter to the editor expressing your opinion of the incident referred to in the letter below. (10 marks) Negative influence Sir, - The killing of Stephanie by four drunken men, who chased her in a car and knocked her down, shows the attitude of men towards women. Movies have had a big role in influencing such behaviour. Unfortunately, the audience sits back and enjoys the antics of heroes, ranging from eve teasing to molestation, on screen. The glorification of Gunas and Sethus in movies results in the killing of Sarikas and Stephanies on the streets of Chennai. S. Charuhasan, Chennai 4. Write an article on any one of the following topics. [300 words] (a) Water crisis in chennai (b) Global terrorism (c) Unemployment crisis in India (10 marks) 2 5. Is the advertisement given below effective enough to attract the attention, arouse interest, stimulate desire and goad the readers into action? 3 6. Read the following editorial carefully and give your opinion about the style of language and the views expressed on the topic. (10 marks) VISUAL MEDIA 7. Jot down the impressions you had after watching the film “My Fair Lady.” How is it different from reading the play “Pygmalion”? (10 marks) 8. Do you agree with the view that shaw’s “Pygmalion” deals with the transforming power of education? How does Prof. Higgins succeed in this task? (10 marks) 9. Compare and Contrast the characters of Daisy Werthan and Hoke? What really brings about an attitudinal change in Daisy? Provide examples from the text. (10 marks) 10. “Driving Miss Daisy” is a play about the folly and inhumanity of racism. Comment on the play in the light of this statement. (10 marks)