LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION – APRIL 2006 SIXTH SEMESTER – APRIL 2006 S 672 – COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR ECONOMISTS Date & Time : 02-05-2006/1.00–4.00 P.M. Dept. No. AC 56 Max. : 100 Marks SECTION A Answer ALL questions [10x2 =20] 1. What does the acronym ‘ BASIC’ stand for? 2. Define Source Program and give an example 3. Draw a flowchart to find the area of a square 4. Convert the following binary number to decimal : 1010 5. Write the binary equivalent of the decimal number : 1010 6. Define user defined function and give an example 7. Give the output : 10 LET X= 2^5+5^2 20 PRINT X 8.State the advantages of ARRAY and give an example for one-dimensional array 9. What is the use of LEN( ) function? 10. Define RECORD in data file and give an example SECTION B Answer any FIVE questions [5x8 =40] 11. Distinguish between READ...DATA and INPUT statements. 12. Write a program to find the biggest of three numbers A, B and C 13. Write a BASIC program to find mean of n numbers. 14. Explain different relational operators with illustration 15. Write a BASIC program to find the sum of digits of the number N. 16. Explain the different formats of PRINT statement 17. Explain any TWO string-handling functions with the syntax and examples 18. Write a short note on a] data file creation b] Data retrieval SECTION C Answer any TWO questions [2 x 20 =40] 19. The sales turnover of 50 sales persons are stored in the array SALES[50] and their IDs are stored in another array viz. EMPID[50]. Write a BASIC program which identifies the maximum-sales. Also, Identify the employee one who made maximum-sales. 20. Write a program in BASIC to determine the roots of a quadratic equation. 21. Explain the following control statements with appropriate syntax and illustration a] IF …THEN …ELSE b] FOR …NEXT [10+10] 22. A leading supermarket in Chennai has two branches. The weekly(6-workdays) sales(in Rs. Lakhs) of each of the two braches on 20 products are stored in the tables BRANCH1[6,20] and BRANCH2[6,20] respectively. Write an appropriate BASIC program which computes the sum of the weekly sales product-wise. _______________