NORTH H.S. PTO VOLUNTEER & INFORMATION FORM Welcome to the North PTO. Volunteers are important to our school! If you have any questions, please contact our PTO president, Janet Thiede at 614-507-4313 or Just one checked box below will make a difference for our students & staff at North! ______ I would like PTO Meeting Minutes emailed to me. ______ Our family wants to be paid PTO members. ($5 attached) I would be interested in helping with: ______After Prom 4/9/16: Parents of 9th-12th graders help facilitate this safe and fun activity. ____Planning Committee ____ Set-up/Decorating Friday Evening ____ Set up/Decorating Saturday Evening ____ Chaperoning (11:15 p.m. to 2:30 a.m.) ____ Clean up Saturday Night/Sunday Morning (2:30 – 3:30 a.m.) ______Antique & Craft Show 11/7/15: Our biggest fundraiser of the year, we just need volunteers. Set up Friday 11/6/15 ____ 9-11 a.m. ____ 2-4 p.m. ____ 4-6 p.m. Help at the Show 11/7/15 ____ 9-noon ____ noon-3 ____ 3-5 (clean-up) Baked Goods: Send in baked goods as needed 4 to 5 times this school year. ______Drink Donations: Send in pop/water donations as needed for activities 2-3 times this school year. General Help: Call or email me when you need help & I’ll see if I’m available. Prefer: ____morning ____afternoon ____evening ______Office Help Help make Reminder Parent/Teacher phone calls from the school (2 times/year) ____ Afternoon ____ Evening Help make copies or laminate for teachers. Preferred Day: M W F ____Prefer every other week _____Staff Appreciation: Assist with events to recognize the North staff during the year. Send in food/ paper items. Help with set-up, clean-up, or during the day ______Ticket Sales: Occasionally help sell tickets during lunch periods (9:45 to 11:30 a.m. OR 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) Prefer: ____ Mon ____ Tues ____ Weds ____ Thurs ____ Fri PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name Preferred Phone E-mail ׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀ ׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀___׀ Student’s Name(s) _______________________________________________________Grade(s) _________ Please return this form during one of the Panther Welcome Days on 8/3/15 or 8/4/15.