
“The forgotten nutrient”
Adults are about 62% water
Two-thirds of this is intracellular
Rest is extracellular (blood, lymph)
You can die of dehydration long before starving to death
– Infants and elderly are most susceptible
Functions of water in the body
Solvent for numerous molecules
Control of body temperature
Needed for metabolism--e.g., hydrolysis
Lubricant (joints) & shock absorber (brain)
pH balance
Water and electrolytes
Na+, K+ (cations); Cl-, phosphate (anions)
Cations (+) = anions (-) in biological fluids
Na+ is main extracellular cation, K+ is main intracellular cation
– This is controlled by Na+-K+ ATPase pump in cell membranes
Movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from a less to more
concentrated solution
Osmotic pressure
The pressure exerted on a semi-permeable membrane by a solvent moving from a low
solute to a high solute concentration
There is no active transport of water in biological systems
Water balance =H2O in -H2O out
H2O in--beverages, food, metabolism
– Controlled by thirst mechanism in hypothalamus of brain
H2O out--urine, feces, sweat, exhaled breath
– Some control by pituitary hormone anti-diuretic hormone
– Losses increased by diarrhea, vomiting, diuretics, ketosis, uncontrolled diabetes,
hot weather, pregnancy, and lactation
Water requirements
No RDA for water
Recommendation: Drink 1-1.5 mL per Calorie consumed
Example: If you eat 2000 Calories/day, you should drink 2000-3000 mL/day (think
the size of a 2- or 3-liter bottle of soda)
Drink more if you’re exercising, doing heavy physical labor, or it’s hot outside
How to get enough water
Tap water is just as good as bottled water (and cheaper)
Juices, milk, soup, sodas (sparingly)
Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which is a diuretic (increases water excretion in urine)
Alcohol is also a diuretic
Hormones affecting fluid balance
Anti-diuretic hormone
Renin-angiotensin system
A major killer worldwide
Infants and elderly most affected
Causes of dehydration
Lack of thirst mechanism or inability to get to water
Gastrointestinal infections
– Normal bugs
– Cholera
When is dehydration fatal?
When rehydration doesn’t occur in time
– Serious dehydration cases require hospitalization
Kidneys shut down, which results in failure of other organs