MESA PUBLIC SCHOOLS SERVICE LEARNING Mini-Grant Application Funded by MPS Employee Donations to United Way and ECA Donations. Mesa Service Learning administers a mini-grant program for service learning activities involving Mesa Public Schools students of all ages. Mini-grants are available for $50 to $500 to Mesa school groups for service learning activities that are either curriculum-based or extracurricular. A service learning project is defined as one or more community service activities that benefit the students’ school, neighborhood, or greater community and include articulated learning goals for the youth participants. Applicants are encouraged to plan the project with input from the clients or organization that will benefit in order to ensure the project is timely and needed. Funds may be used for supplies, materials, equipment, and transportation. The total request for each application may not exceed $500. Up to $300 may be allocated for supplies, materials, and equipment. Up to $300 may be allocated for transportation. But the total can only be $500! And you are welcome to ask for less! Mini-grant funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis and will be distributed monthly. The grant deadline is the 15th of each month. Applicants will be notified about the status of their mini-grants the first of the following month. A school group may not receive more than two grants during the school year. Preference will be given to school groups who have not received a grant in the past. It is important that teachers facilitating service learning projects and these mini-grants understand the difference between volunteering and service learning. Educators who have not been trained in the basic components of service learning (through Mesa Service Learning or another institution) will be required to attend a “Service Learning Basics” workshop offered through Mesa Service Learning. Please read the following application guidelines and process instructions carefully. Feel free to call us with questions as you develop your application. Our goal is to give every child in Mesa the opportunity to learn through service. _____ _____ _____ _____ CHECKLIST FOR ALL APPLICANTS INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED. Cover Sheet Summary (on the Cover Sheet) Response to the Six Questions Itemized Budget for Question Six APPLICATION GUIDELINES The project must involve Mesa Public Schools students (PreK – 12) in service to their school, neighborhood, or the greater community. The project must include preparation activities that teach students the needed skills or knowledge to implement the project. The project must also include reflection activities that solicit and demonstrate the participants’ analysis and evaluation of the project. The funds may not be used to pay personnel or to replace state or local school funds. Funds may not be used for food or drinks. Transportation funds must be used to transport students to a location where they will perform service activities (including dropping off created or collected items). A final report will be expected within a month of completion of the project. It will include quantitative and qualitative data on the project, reflections from students and adults, and a final budget with receipts attached. If the grant was paid by a check to the teacher, any unused funds must be returned to Mesa Service Learning. APPLICATION PROCESS In order to apply, please complete the four-page application that follows and submit it to the Service Learning Department by the 15th of the month. Another option is to download this application from and complete it online. Then it may be printed and mailed to Service Learning, or it may be sent to as an attachment. Lengthy responses are not expected or desired; however, enough information must be provided to enable the Mesa Service Learning Advisory Board to have a clear understanding of the service learning activities being funded. When applications are written by youth, the age of the authors will be taken into consideration. The requested content is needed, but an adult writing style is not a criterion for receipt of funds. A few pointers: (1) “Name of Youth Representative” is the name of one or more young people who are class, club, or project leaders. (2) You must write the Summary requested on the Cover Sheet. Do not write “See application” which necessitates Service Learning having to write your summary for you. (3) In order to prepare the itemized budget, you should “shop ahead” to see how much things will probably cost and indicate the quantity and price for each item. Add tax and then total your budget. Then round to the nearest dollar for your amount requested. Here is a simplified example: Quantity Item 5 Shovels 3 Bags of dirt 2 Trees 5 Bushes Subtotal Tax Total Total Requested for Grant Unit Cost $ 3.50 5.00 35.00 10.00 ADDRESS QUESTIONS AND APPLICATIONS TO: Mesa Service Learning 155 N. Center St. Mesa, AZ 85201 Phone 480-308-7351 Fax 480-308-7379 Email: Total $ 17.50 15.00 70.00 50.00 $152.50 12.35 $164.85 $165.00 DATE REC’D. # Mesa Public Schools Service Learning Mini-Grant Application PROJECT NAME APPLICATION DATE APPROXIMATE DATES (TIME SPAN) OF THE SERVICE LEARNING ACTIVITIES BEING FUNDED GROUP NAME (School and class, club or group name) NAME OF TEACHER(S) INVOLVED SCHOOL NAME and ADDRESS WORK PHONE CITY EMAIL ADDRESS ZIP PLEASE CHECK ALL OF THE FOLLOWING THAT APPLY REGARDING THE SERVICE LEARNING TRAINING OF THE TEACHER(S) NAMED ABOVE: COMPLETED MPS SERVICE LEARNING COURSE OR WORKSHOP ATTENDED THE NATIONAL SERVICE LEARNING CONFERENCE ATTENDED A SERVICE LEARNING TRAINING BY ANOTHER ORGANIZATION. PLEASE NAME THE ORGANIZATION: ___________________________ WILL NEED TO ATTEND A SERVICE LEARNING BASICS WORKSHOP NAME OF YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE(S) NUMBER OF YOUTH INVOLVED IN PROJECT SERVING AND LEARNING GRADE/AGE LEVEL OF YOUTH INVOLVED IN PROJECT NAME OF ORGANIZATION RECEIVING SERVICE NAME OF PERSON AT ABOVE ORGANIZATION WHO VERIFIED THE NEED FOR THE SERVICE NUMBER OF PEOPLE BEING SERVED (IF APPLICABLE) COST OF SUPPLIES _______________ + COST OF TRANSPORTATION _______________ = TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED A 25-35 WORD SUMMARY OF THIS PROPOSAL WHICH DESCRIBES THE YOUNG PEOPLE INVOLVED, WHAT SERVICE THEY ARE DOING, FOR WHOM THEY ARE DOING IT, AND WHAT THEY WILL LEARN. SIGNATURES OF APPLICANTS: _______________________________________________________ APPLICATION QUESTIONS CONTINUE ON THE NEXT PAGE… APPLICATION QUESTIONS 1. DESIGN OF THE SERVICE LEARNING ACTIVITY/ACTIVITIES Please include the type of service to be performed, when and how often the activity will take place, where the activity will occur, and who will be served. A. What will the service learning project be? B. How will the community benefit from the service? 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES What academic and life lessons will the students learn as they participate in this project? Include the Arizona State Service Learning Standards that will be learned and taught. (Standards are on 3. PREPARATION ACTIVITIES What activities will be used to prepare the students for their service activity? (How will students learn the skills and attitudes they need in order to successfully perform their service?) 4. REFLECTION AND DEMONSTRATION ACTIVITIES How will students analyze and evaluate their service learning experience throughout and upon completion of the activities? How will they demonstrate what they have learned? (Possibilities include journals, informal and formal discussions, essays, posters, power point presentations, speeches, etc.) 5. RESULTS AND EVALUATION How will the results of the service activity and the learning of the students be measured? (Possibilities include questionnaires, pre and post tests, evaluation of reflection products, data collection of the number of hours of participation or number of tasks completed, community feedback, or any combination of the above.) 6. BUDGET Please include the following information: Supplies – Vendor Name(s) (i.e. MDC, Target) List of Items with their costs Total at the bottom Transportation – The cost of an MPS bus between 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. is $22.95 per hour + 2 hours + $3/mile. There is a minimum of 3 hours per trip on weekends and 2 hours per trip on weekdays. If you need a charter bus or more information, call 472-0164. Finally, if you have other sources of funding for this project (such as ECA or other grants), please note the source(s) and the estimated amount that will be contributed.