ESRC 1+3 STUDENTSHIPS 2016-17 Case for Support Please complete this form and email to by the deadline of 17:00 GMT, 29 January 2016. Please read in conjunction with guidance provided at Your details Name: Surname / Family name First name(s) DD/MM/YYYY King’s Student ID # (where known) Email: Date of birth: The degree programme you are applying for Department / Division Masters degree title Name of prospective supervisor(s) Summary of Academic Qualifications (university/higher education degrees held or currently being studied for) University & Department Subject(s) studied Number of years studied Other awards, prizes, achievements and/or professional qualifications Qualification, professional experience etc Date Institution Description Work Experience Position Organisation Dates of Employment Description Type of degree e.g BSc, MA Class/grade Dates of of degree, study (To (i.e. GPA) – From) Research Council Eligibility Have you previously received Research Council funding? Yes No If yes, please state which Research Council and for how long a) ESRC Subject Area Code: please state which code best describes your research. For a listing of the 3 or 4 letter abbreviations, see b) KISS-DTC Research Theme (from 1-15): please state which Theme your research is most closely associated with. For a listing of these see: Potential for collaboration with non-academic organisations If you think that your research could be relevant beyond the academy, please describe the ways in which it might engage with non-academic organisations. You may leave this section blank if you have not yet had a chance to consider external collaboration, or do not believe this to be applicable to your proposed research (max 200 words) Advanced Quantitative Methods Training Will your research use quantitative methods that are regarded as advanced within your subject specialism? (Delete as appropriate) YES NO If yes, please identify the methods and their contribution to your project (max 100 words) Linguistic proficiency Will your research require proficiency in a foreign language? (Delete as appropriate) If yes, please outline your competency in this language, and identify any training needs (max 100 words) YES NO Proposed research Please describe the research topic you are would like to pursue for your PhD, and explain why you are interested in this area of research. As your research interests will develop further over the year of your Masters training, your answer need only be indicative. We are not looking for a full research proposal at this stage, only some indication of your probable PhD research area. It is essential that you should discuss your topic with your potential/chosen supervisor or department/division when you are drafting this section of the application. With regard to your chosen Masters degree, please explain how your intended degree programme will prepare you for doctoral study. As far as possible, also include details of the modules/pathways you intend to follow and their potential contribution to your likely doctoral project. This section must not exceed 2 pages (size 11 Times New Roman, single spacing, using the existing margins) plus 1 page of references. If you exceed this limit, you may be penalized. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PROSPECTIVE SUPERVISOR: This section should be completed by the prospective supervisor and submitted separately to by the deadline of 5pm, Friday 29 January 2016. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that your prospective supervisor completes and submits this section of the form by the stated deadline. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Name of student: Specification of Foundation Methods Training In addition to developing expertise in their subject specialism, the ESRC insists that funded students should receive a well-rounded methods training that extends beyond the methods that are central to their specialist doctoral projects. It is impossible to provide a definitive list of social science perspectives and methods, but students should develop a basic understanding of a significant proportion of the methods such as the following: Theory & epistemology: Positivism, Experiments, Interpretivism, Feminism, Post-colonial critique, Marxism, Post-structuralism, Ethnography, Ethno-methodology, Case study, Policy oriented, Action research, Mixed methods Qualitative methods: Archival methods, E-resources and social media, Auto/biography (including life histories), Interviews, Focus groups, Participant observation, Content analysis, Narrative methods, Visual methods, Discourse analysis, Conversation analysis Quantitative methods: Quantitative research design, Sampling, Questionnaire design, Descriptive statistics, Probability, Data manipulation & handling, Non-parametric statistics, Basic inferential statistics, Analysis of variance, Linear regression with a continuous DV Software: SPSS, Stata, NUD*IST, NVivo etc (the ESRC’s 2005 Postgraduate Training Guidelines contain the fullest specification of the coverage they expect – see Please use this section to map out the Foundation Methods training for this candidate. The plan may extend beyond their Masters programme into their first year of doctoral study, and can be flexibly organised in a combination of designated methods modules, methodological units or strands within subject specialist modules, KISS-DTC short courses (see ) or training provided by other institutions. But if a broad, clear and coherent methods training plan is not provided, the candidate will not be considered eligible for a Studentship. Course, module or work-based training title Department, centre or institution Detailed description (specific methods covered; credits and/or number of hours; forms of assessment where relevant) Details of research potential Supporting statement from supervisor(s) on nominee’s research potential (maximum 200 words) Please provide information regarding your ranking of this student relative to any other prospective ESRC candidates who would be under your supervision, and your assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate’s proposed project. Completed by: Name of supervisor(s): Position of supervisor(s): Declaration By submitting this form: ~ I understand that my application for funding is valid only if all required information is provided by the set deadline, which includes: an ESRC Studentship Case for Support form emailed to and a completed online admissions application supported with academic transcripts and references submitted online, as required. I understand that if the information is not submitted my application for funding will not be considered. ~ I give permission for the Graduate School to obtain copies of my academic transcripts and references from my admissions application, submitted with my admissions application. Data Protection By submitting this form, you agree that King’s College London can process your information and keep a copy of your form to collect statistics and detect and prevent fraud. The Data Protection Act allows you to ask us for a copy of all the information we have about your application.