CURRICULUM VITAE: FRANCO FRACCAROLI (2004/2009) Full Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology, Faculty of Cognitive Science, University of Trento. Director of the Department of Cognition and Education Science, University of Trento, Rovereto campus. President of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (2007-2009). 1. Qualifications and posts held. * degree in Sociology awarded by the Faculty of Sociology, Università of Trento, 198283 academic year. * research doctorate in "Sociology and Social Research", Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (1991). * one-year post-doctoral bursary awarded by the "Direction de la Recherche et des Etudes Doctorales" of the French Ministry of Education (Toulouse, October 1991September 1992). * two-year post-doctoral bursary awarded by the University of Bologna (1993-1995) * Researcher in psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna (1995-1998) * Associate Professor of Work Psychology, Faculty of Education Science, University of Genoa (1998-2002). 2. Research. He has collaborated on numerous research projects in work, organizational and educational psychology with: Department of Social Policy, University of Trento; Fondazione Corazzin, Venice; IARD reserach institute, Milan; Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Ufficio Fondo Sociale Europeo; Studio Meta e Associati, Bologna; ISFOL, Rome; Ministry of Education, Rome; Department of Education Science, University of Bologna; Regione Emilia Romagna, Assessorato al Lavoro, Formazione, Università e Immigrazione; Provincia di Grosseto, Assessorato Lavoro e Formazione Professionale; Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione; Bologna; Fondazione Alma Mater, Bologna; Lab. Personnalisation et Changements Sociaux, Université de Toulouse Le Mirail Lab. CAPRIT; Université de Sherbrooke, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Consiglio regionale, Regione Marche Department of Psychology; Portland State University; Portland, Oregon; USA His main areas of research are the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • Evaluation of training programmes and the work accompaniment of adults; Educational psychology; Psycho-social transitions to work and within work; Psychological experience of joblessness; Work entry in organizations; Young people and the labour market; Methodological aspects in the study of individual and organizational change; Psychology of working times; Elderly workers and the work exit phase; Quality of organizational life; Work integration of people with severe psychiatric disorders; Psycho-social risk and quality of organizational life Coordination of research projects National project research units (Progetti PRIN; Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica) 2004: The elderly worker approaching retirement. psycho-social analysis of the process of work exit 2006: The perception of organizational fairness towards elderly workers Other publicly-funded projects: Province of Grosseto: FSE project for definition of an integrated model for the promotion of young entrepreneurship (143,000 euros; 2004) Municipality of Rovereto: research project on “Perception of elderly workers and organizational fairness” (54,000 euros; 2005-2008) Municipality of Rovereto: research project on “Work integration in social cooperatives” (36,000 euros; 2008-2009) Regional administration of Marche: research project on “Psycho-social risks among regional administrative staff” (15,000 euros; 2008) Federation of Cooperatives in Trentino, Italy; research project on “Work integration of people with psychiatric illness” (25,000 euros; 2008-09) Editorial Board and referee European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Journal of Business and Psychology Journal of Workplace learning European Review of Applied Psychology CRSH Canada University of Louven La Neuve (Belgium) University of Bologna (Italy) 3. Teaching (2004-09) University of Trento, Faculty of Cognitive Science; Master in Psychology 2004-05: Work and Organizational Psychology (8 credits) 2005-06: Work and Organizational Psychology (8 credits) 2006-07: Work and Organizational Psychology (8 credits) 2007-08: Work and Organizational Psychology (8 credits) 2008-09: Organizational Psychology (8 credits) 2005-06: Advanced Social Psychology (4 credits) 2006-07: Advanced Social Psychology (4 credits) 2007-08: Advanced Social Psychology (4 credits) Besides his university teaching duties, he has taught courses for the following institutes: o o o o o o o o o o Municipality of Bologna, Ufficio Progetto giovani Accademia del Commercio e Turismo di Trento Agenzia del Lavoro della Provincia Autonoma di Trento ARIS Azione e ricerca sociale, Trento Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Bologna Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Reggio Calabria C.U.D., Consorzio per l’Università a Distanza, Rende, Cosenza I R R S A E, regional administrations of Emilia Romagna and Toscana ENAIP Friuli Venezia Giulia Scuola Superiore Sanità; Provincia Autonoma di Trento * Visiting Professor at the University of Toulouse Le Mirail (Francia) (2006, 2007, 2009). * Visiting Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2005). * Visiting Professor at Portland State University, Oregon, USA 4. Consultancy work - 2005 – 2006: collaboration with the European AWARE project on vocational training for workers aged over 45, administered by the Autonomous Province of Trento, FSE Office. - 2007 – present: member of the Autonomous Province of Trento’s Task Force to create a system to evaluate the 2007-2013 planning document. - 2008 – 2009: member of Alma Mater Foundation group of experts tasked with constructing a model to analyse and evaluate advanced training formation and university master courses. - 2008 – present: member of the assessment board for the Province of Trento’s education and training system. 5. Main publications Balducci C., Alfano V., Fraccaroli F., Relationship between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior. Violence and Victims, 2009, v. 24, n. 1, p. 52-67. Faurie I., Fraccaroli F., Le Blanc A., Age et travail: des études sur le vieillissement au travail à une approche psychosociale de la fin de la carrière professionnelle. Le Travail Humain, 2008, v. 71, n. 2, p. 137-172. Atzori M., Lombardi L., Fraccaroli F., Battistelli A., Zaniboni S., "Organizational socialization of women in the Italian army: learning processes and proactive tactics". Journal of workplace learning, 2008, v. 20, n. 5, p. 327-347. Fraccaroli F., Depolo M., "Careers and aging work". Cap. 5:Chmiel N. (a cura di), An Introduction to work and organizational psychology, Oxford ; Malden, Mass. ; Carlton: Blackwell publishing, 2008. p. 97-118 Zappalà S., Depolo M., Fraccaroli F., Guglielmi D., Sarchielli G., Postponing job retirement?: Psychosocial influences on the preference for early or late retirement". Career Development International, 2008, v. 13, n. 2, p. 150-167. Fraccaroli F., "L'expérience psychologique de l'incertitude au travail". Le travail humain, 2007, v. 70, n. 3, p. 235-250. Battisti M., Fraccaroli F., Fasol R., Depolo M., "Psychological contract and quality of organizational life. An empirical study on workers at a rest home". Relations idustrielles/Industrial Relations, 2007, v. 62, n. 4, p. 664-689 Fraccaroli F., Apprendimento e formazione nelle organizzazioni. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007. Fraccaroli F., Progettare la carriera. Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2005.