OU CHOIR – MARCH 2007 – TRANSLATIONS PALESTRINA: Stabat mater 1 (bar 1) Stabat Mater dolorosa Juxta crucem lacrimosa, Dum pendebat Filius. Cujus animam gementem, Contristatam, et dolentem, Pertransivit gladius. 2 (bar 21) O quam tristis et afflicta Fuit illa benedicta Mater Unigeniti! Quæ mœrebat, et dolebat, Et tremebat, cum videbat Nati pœnas inclyti. 3 (38) Quis est homo qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si videret In tanto supplicio? Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dolentem cum Filio? 4 (55) Pro peccatis suae gentis Vidit Jesum in tormentis, Et flagellis subditum. Vidit suum dulcem natum, Moriendo desolatum, Dum emisit spiritum. 5 (74: 3/2) Eia, Mater, fons amoris, Me sentire vim doloris Fac, ut tecum lugeam. Fac ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum, Ut sibi complaceam. 6 (94) Sancta Mater, istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas Cordi meo valide. Tui nati vulnerati, Tam dignati pro me pati, Pœnas mecum divide. The grieving mother stood weeping by the cross, while on it hung her son. Her soul, wrought with anguish, crushed with sorrow and with grief, was pierced by a sword. O how sad and how afflicted was that blessed mother of the only-begotten One! How she grieved, how she lamented, how she trembled when she saw the torment of her glorious son. What man is there would not weep to see Christ’s mother in such distress? Who could not fail to feel her pain, seeing that loving mother grieving with her son? She saw Jesus in agony, and scourged by the lash for the sins of his people. She saw her own sweet son, dying and forsaken, until he yielded up his spirit. Ah Mother, fount of love, make me feel the power of your grief, that I may mourn with you. Make my heart burn with love for Christ, my God, that I may please him too. Holy Mother, grant me this: fix deep within my heart the wounds of him, the crucified. Let me share the torment of your wounded son, who deigned to suffer so for me. 7 (112) Fac me tecum pie flere, Crucifixo condolere, Donec ego vixero, Juxta crucem tecum stare, Et me tibi sociare In planctu desidero. 8 (132) Virgo virginum præclara, Mihi jam non sis amara, Fac me tecum plangere. Fac ut portem Christi mortem, Passionis fac consortem, Et plagas recolere. 9 (152) Fac me plagis vulnerari, Cruce fac inebriari, Et cruore Filii. Inflammatus et accensus, Per te Virgo sim defensus In die judicii. 10 (169) Fac me cruce custodiri, Morte Christi prœmuniri, Confoveri gratia. Quando corpus morietur, Fac ut animae donetur Paradisi gloria. Let me weep with you, and suffer with the crucified my whole life through. I yearn to stand with you beside the cross, and join with you in deep lament. Virgin, all virgins excelling, do not be harsh with me, but let me mourn with you. Let me bear Christ’s death within me; Let me share his Passion and be mindful of his wounds. Let me be riven by his wounds, intoxicated by his cross and the blood of your Son. Thus kindled and enflamed may I, through you, O Virgin, be defended on the Day of Judgment. Let me be guarded by the cross, defended by the death of Christ, and strengthened by his grace. And grant that when my body dies, my soul may gain the glory of paradise. Bar numbers in the Palestrina (first bar of each page of Novello edition) Please write the following bar numbers into your copy in pencil, for ease of reference in rehearsal. Page 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Bar 6 12 18 24 29 35 40 45 50 55 60 66 72 78 84 89 94 100 106 112 118 124 130 136 142 148 153 159 165 170 175 180 186 JS BACH: Fürchte dich nicht, BWV228 Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir; weiche nicht, denn ich bin dein Gott! Ich stärke dich, ich helfe dir auch, ich erhhalte dich durch die rechte hand meiner Gerechtigkeit. Isaiah 41, 10 Fear not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee, yea I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Fürchte dich nicht, den ich habe dich erlöset; ich habe dich bei deinem Namen gerufen, du bist mein! Isaiah 43, 1 Fear not, for I have redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine. Chorale (sopranos, from bar 83) Herr, mein Hirt, Brunn aller Freuden, du bist mein, ich bin dein, niemand kann uns scheiden. Ich bin dein, weil du dein Leben und dein Blut mir zu gut in den Tod gegeben. Du bist mein, weil ich dich fasse und dich nicht, o mein Licht, aus dem Herzen lasse! Lass mich hingelangen, da du mich und ich dich lieblich werd umfangen. Paul Gerhardt, 1653 Lord, my shepherd, fount of all joys, Thou art mine, I am Thine, none can part us. I am Thine, because Thou gavest Thy life and Thy blood for my sake unto death. Thou art mine, because I embrace Thee and will not, O my light, let Thee out of my heart! Let me arrive where Thou shalt sweetly embrace me and I Thee. BRAHMS: Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Op.109 (1888/89) 1. Unsere Väter hofften auf dich; und da sie hofften, halfst du ihnen aus. Zu dir schrieen sie und wurden errettet; sie hofften auf dich und wurden nicht zu Schanden. Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben, der Herr wird sein Volk segnen mit Frieden. 2. Wenn ein starker Gewappneter seinen Palast bewahret, so bleibet das Seine mit Frieden. Aber, ein jeglich Reich, so es mit ihm selbst uneins wird, das wird wüste, und ein Haus fället über das andere. 3. Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk, zu dem Götter also nahe sich tun als der Herr, unser Gott, so oft wir ihn anrufen. Hüte dich nur und bewahre deine Seele wohl, dass du nicht vergessest der Geschichte, die deine Augen gesehen haben. Und dass sie nicht aus deinem Herzen komme alle dein Lebelang. Und sollt deinen Kindern und Kindeskindern kundtun. Amen. OU Choir\March 2007_translations Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. They cried unto thee, and were delivered; they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. Psalm 22, 4-5 The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace. Psalm 29, 11 When a strong man keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace. Luke 11, 21 But every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falleth. Luke 11, 17 For what nation is here so great, that hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we call upon him for? Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons. Amen. Deuteronomy 4, 7&9