Igor Stravinsky (1882–1971)
Bogoroditse Dievo, raduisia,
Bo-go-ro-di-tse Die-vo, ra-dui-sia,
O Virgin, born of God, rejoice,
Blagodatnaia Mariia Gospod sToboiu.
Bla-go-dat-na-ia Ma-ri-ia Gos-pod sTo-bo-iu.
Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee.
Blagoslovenna Ty v jenach i blagosloven plod tschreva Tvoiego,
Bla-go-slo-ven-na Ty v je-nach i bla-go-slo-ven plod tschre-va Tvo-ie-go,
Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, iako Spasa rodila iesi dusch naschich. ia-ko Spa-sa ro-di-la ie-si dusch na-schich.
For Thou hast borne the Saviour of our souls.
The text is derived from the Gospel of St. Luke. It joins together the words of the
Angel Gabriel at the Annunciation (Luke 1:28) and Elizabeth’s greeting to Mary at the Visitation (Luke 1:42).
Igor Stravinsky (1882–1971)
Otsche nasch, Ije iesi na nebesech!
Ot-sche nasch, I-je ie-si na ne-be-sech!
Our Father, which art in heaven, da sviatitsia imia Tvoie, da svia-ti-tsia i-mia Tvo-ie, hallowed be Thy name, da priidet Tsarstviie Tvoie, da pri-i-det Tsar-stvi-ie Tvo-ie,
Thy kingdom come, da budet volia Tvoia, da bu-det vo-lia Tvo-ia,
Thy will be done iako na nebesi i na zemli. ia-ko na ne-be-si i na zem-li. in heaven as in earth.
Chleb nasch nasuschnyi dajd nam dnes,
Chleb nasch na-susch-nyi dajd nam dnes,
Our daily bread give us today, i ostavi nam dolgi nascha, i os-ta-vi nam dol-gi na-scha, release us from our debts, iakoje i my ostavliaiem doljnikom naschim, ia-ko-je i my os-tav-lia-iem dolj-ni-kom na-schim, just as we allow those in debt to us. i ne vvedi nas vo ickuschenie, i ne vve-di nas vo ic-ku-sche-ni-e,
Do not lead us into temptation, no izbavi nas ot lukavago. no iz-ba-vi nas ot lu-ka-va-go. but deliver us from evil.
Slavonic texts_Spring 2013