APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF CREDITS IN POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH EDUCATION - FACULTY OF ODONTOLOGY Reference number: To be sent to: Malmö University Faculty of Odontology Registrar S-205 06 Malmö Applicant Surname Given name Personal identification number Address Postal code and town E-mail Home telephone number Work telephone number Mobile phone number Courses/conferences/seminars – application for transfer of following: Name of course/conference/seminar in Swedish Name of course/conference/seminar in English Number of credits requested (ECTS/hp) Country Date of completion of course/conference/seminar University (or equivalent) Grade A copy of the certificate and course plan for the course should be appended! Signature of doctoral student Date and signature Signature of examiner Approved Refused Name Date and signature Comments 2014-01-16/JD 1( Instructions for credit transfer application Fill in the form according to the instructions given below and return to Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology, Registrar, S-205 06 Malmö. Note that is is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete. To the doctoral student: Authenticated copies of course certificates or equivalent where the name of the issuing University, date, subject category, number of points and result are given should be appended to the application. To the examiner: If the application is approved, the decision can be documented on the form. However if the application is refused, the following information should be given: What aspect of the application has been refused A motivation for the refusal