Facutly Time Off/Blue Form

Department of Radiation Oncology
Policy on Faculty Absences
To insure that the appropriate recording of faculty time is achieved the Department will enable
the faculty member to abide by all Regent Bylaws (Sec 5.12-Sec 5.18), and the Medical School
provisions and requirements for outside employment.
The Department of Radiation Oncology requires that each faculty member report their
respective anticipated and actual absences from their normal work assignment on a
prospective basis. This prospective reporting will enable the Director of Operations to approve
travel plans and to insure that clinical coverage can be arranged for the faculty member.
Absences to Report:
A faculty member must report any absence away from the work site. This includes vacation,
illness, CME trips, presentations or attendance at conferences, visiting professorships and
invited talks, and any outside employment time.
We use the “blue form” for reporting these absences from the work area. This form can be
found on at http://med.umich.edu/medschool/faculty/pdf/blueform.pdf. The form needs to
be completed for any of the absences listed above and should be forwarded to your admin to
in-turn be routed for approval. The form will be maintained internally and approved absences
will be logged in QGenda.
The department is requiring advanced notice for vacation requests. These deadlines are
flexible to some extent based on individual circumstances (ie. family emergency). Best practice
is to submit your vacation request as soon as need is presented.
 45 Day advance notice if absence will result in clinic closure.
 14 Day advance notice for all vacation requests.
From the Bylaws of the Board of Regents:
Sec. 5.16. Temporary Absences (revised November 1993)
All absences of members of the teaching staff or other academic employees shall be reported
to the dean or director. All absences extending over more than three weeks at any one time
must be reported to the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs or, at the
University of Michigan-Dearborn and the University of Michigan-Flint, to the chancellor.
Further information related to specific types of absences can be found in the Standard Practice
Sick Leave Plan
Jury and Witness Service
Leaves of Absence without Salary
This form is required if absence is covering at least one working day.
Report of Temporary Absence (ie. Blue Form)
To be submitted to you administrative assistant. These reports are made in conformity with the
Bylaws of the Board of Regents, Section 5.16 quoted below.
Theodore S. Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D.__________________________
I will be absent on the dates listed and for the reasons stated below:
Dates Absent
(give inclusive dates)
Total Number
of Days
Signed ___________________________________
(Department Chair)
*Reasons for absence
Illness - State duration and whether hospitalized.
Vacation - One week's vacation is considered a 5-day interval, Monday-Friday.
CME / Off Campus Assignment – Must be accompanied by a memo providing details
Leave of Absence – Must be accompanied by a memo providing details.
Note: If absence exceeds 15 consecutive working days and is not used for vacation, please read the
reverse side carefully.
Admin to forward this document to one of the QGenda leads, Karen Moore, Kelley Coppola or
Darrin King.